“Detective, you are not clean,” she attacked.

“Shut up!”

She laughed mockingly, “You wanna go to jail my dear son?”

“It’s hard to get you out. The media will press me till you are behind bars,” he said, concerned.

“We can make a plan. We can fake my death,” she said.

“It seems you had this plan already.”

“You know how criminals think. Five steps ahead of law enforcers.”

“Let me think about this,” he said and left the room.


Mrs Msiska and Dennis Tonde were having lunch at Tonde’s place.

“Vegetables and meat are very cheap here,” he said.

“You still haven’t told me your story, remember?” she reminded him.

“When I left, I came to settle in this village. I started with working in a vegetable garden of a retired journalist where I learnt a lot especially video shooting, reporting as well as anything to do with audio production. Actually I’ve ever worked as a producer in a township two kilometres from here,” he paused.

“Sounds nice.”

“It was until my boss died and I was forced to close shop. One of the girls that used to record her poems introduced me to her dad who then offered me a job. Times later, I learnt to drive the van and that is where I work ‘till now,” he said.

“And the lady?”

“She is abroad for her master’s degree.”

“When are we going to tell Patrick the truth?” she switched the subject.

“Soon.” His words were met with silence.


“Tell me your story; why you never wanted me.” Temwa smiled.

“One of her maids raped me,” Tito cried.

“Ooh!” she had mixed reactions.

“It was my mom’s fault. She was too busy with her bloody dealings. I was just a kid by then.”

“Did you report it?”

“I thought I would look stupid. It happened several more times,” he continued.

“Why? Why did she rape you?”

“The maid left before she apologised. She told me she was under drugs that stirred feelings. My mom gave her. My mom was using her as a maid during daylight and as a prostitute at night.” he said.

“Stop.” Temwa hugged him.

“I still love you,” she whispered to him.

The next day, Tito visited his mom at the police.

He tried so hard to look composed.

“Mom, why?”

“I was only doing the best for you.” she replied.

“Best for me?” he asked.

“I wanted to be a rich mother for you. To put a smile on your face, that was why I got trapped. All that for the good toys and expensive gifts I bought you and Temwa,” she said in a sorrowful tone.

“Do you know how much trouble your greed got me? Do you know that I was raped?” he cried angrily.

“I know that’s why I built you your house so that you would start afresh, away from my house,” she said.

“You knew? How?” he was surprised.

“Tadala reported to me and I took care of your rapist,” she said boldly, holding back tears.

“Mom, you need to start afresh,” he said concerned.

“I know and I’ve put up a plan.”

“No. Jail is the best place for reformation,” he said.

“Just go.”

“No mom. I want you to promise me that,” he said.

“Okay I will.”


Detective arrived at the police around 10pm to accomplish the death-faking mission. He had already made a deal with the two officers on duty that night. He switched the corridor lights off and headed to the cell.

“Jezebel…” he whispered.

Before long, the lights in the corridor went on and there stood Detective Mashangano, Lieutenant Magigi and the Police Deputy Chief, his boss.

“End of the road brother,” Detective Mashangano said in a sad tone.

“So, it was a trap?” he asked Selina.

“Rest in peace,” she mocked.


Tell us: Why do you think the officials trapped Detective?