***On The Day Of The Announcement Of The Results.***

After work, Ruth went to a store to buy a newspaper, and when she was done, she went home. Nelly had no idea where she would see her results, but luckily, her sister arrived home and gave her a newspaper. They then went through it, and when they found Nelly’s examination number, they found out that she had made it, and that she had obtained a bachelor’s pass with 7 distinctions.

When the two sisters found Nelly’s results, Ruth dropped a few tears of hope. She then hugged Nelly, told her a few sweet words, and thanked her for her hard work.

When Ruth was done congratulating her sister, Nelly raised her head to the sky and said “Thank You God and Mom”, and they both cried.

After their tears of joy, Ruth went into her room, came out with a box, then she gave it to Nelly. Nelly opened the box, and when she found a smartphone inside, she got so excited that she shouted out loud “Yes! Thank you sister!” because that was best gift she had ever received in her entire life .

One day, Nelly went to town with her sister, and they both went to North West University in order for her to apply for a Social Worker Course there. Everything went well, and she even got a bursary that covered everything she was going to need to complete her degree. The two sisters knew that it was lucky for Nelly to receive the bursary, and Nelly was so excited that she began imagining herself in some of the apartments around the campus, socializing with other students.

When they were done applying at the university, the two sisters went to the market to buy some necessary stuff for home, then they travelled back. When they arrived home, Ruth advised Nelly to take care at university residence, and to focus the same way she had focused at high school. She also advised her to leave relationship things aside, not to party, and to learn how to be able to choose friends. Nelly, in response, accepted every word her sister told her, and she promised to stick to the plan of learning.

Days went by, and the academic year began. Nelly then went to university, and she met a girl called California and became friends with her.

When Nelly first met California, she seemed like an innocent girl, but she was not. She was addicted to drugs and, because of that, she partied non-stop. Each weekend, she went out to night clubs, met old guys, and sleep with then in order to get money or drugs. Nelly hung out with her a few times, until she asked her to go out with her just for one night. Nelly said no, but California seduced her with sweet words, which made her agree.

Nelly did not know anything about clubs, so she wore normal clothes. California laughed at her when she saw her, and she discouraged her and gave her a few mini-skirts and high-heels to choose from. It was all a little problematic for Nelly though, because she was new to those things.

Once Nelly was done choosing her outfit, California booked a special cab for them, and they soon arrived at one of the well-known nightclubs in town. As soon as they entered the gate, bullets started flying all over the place, and one of them managed to hit Nelly on the neck. But, when the police and the paramedics arrived, Nelly was still breathing.

Even though Nelly managed to hold on for a while, and California managed to dodge the bullets, Nelly eventually did not make it. When they arrived at the hospital, Nelly had already passed away. It was all very sad and painful, and the only thing that others could learn from the incident was how to choose friends, because, like how the words that had come to Nelly once said, “you only live once”.


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