The flowers were in full bloom and the grass was a lot greener than its ancestors. So, handbag in hand, she left the office and headed off to the designated meeting spot.

As she turned into Mam’ Khubuse’s, she clocked a sapphire blue Jaguar parked near the entrance and admired its magnificence. People are making loads of cash hey? These are some of the things human beings really could do without, she thought. Millions of hungry kids could do well with the money spent on frivolous items such as the one parked at this place. These were her thoughts and hers alone. Samke and Kenny shared her sentiments only to a certain extent citing that one cannot solve everyone’s problems – it is a team effort. Besides, people make money so they can spend it on themselves; everybody is trying to make a living.

Upon entering, she saw a coffee coloured, well-built man sitting at the coffee bar with his head slightly turned to the side. He was chatting to Mam’Khubuse and Zamo could sense that she was enjoying the attention immensely. Zamo walked up and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned to face her and flashed his 1000 megawatt smile. She quickly greeted Mam’Khubuse and complimented her on the new furniture inside the establishment.

“You’ve really done an awesome job!” she said smiling.

Peello agreed with her and stood up, drew out a chair for her from a nearby table and sat across from her. When seated, she jumped in head first, in an attempt to break the ice.

“So, I see you found the place okay? No GPS?”

“Well, not as easily as I thought. Seems it is a well-kept secret which I find intriguing. With that said though, I am here, I made it.” He paused a little. “So, here we are. Tell me a little bit about yourself.”

“Um, where to start?” she laughed nervously. “Okay, well apart from the fact that I work at the SHM gallery, I love mushy love songs and movies. I am both a practical person and a dreamer. I love poems and just chilling at home – not a club hopper,” she gave another nervous laugh and stopped herself. “How about you? What makes Peello tick? Do you have any siblings?”

A server came to take their order.

“What do you fancy?” asked Peello.

“I’d like a cappuccino please. Thanks!”

“I’ll have the same please with extra cream, thank you!”

The server asked if they would like to peruse the menu and also informed them about the day’s specials. They both declined.

“Would you like anything else?” The server asked as she prepared to leave.

“No, no nothing else. Thank you very much!” Both Zamo and Peello responded on cue.

Peello’s attention turned back to her.

“So, where were we? Oh yes, my family tree. I’m the first born and my parents were blessed with four other children. All are still staying at my parents’ house and I take care of them in every way I can. Ntobeko is currently studying at Wits doing his 1st year in Computer Science, Linathi is doing her grade 9, Ndzuzo is doing his Masters in Psychology and the youngest is still in grade 5. I like skateboarding and doing everything adventurous. I love travelling and hope to one day visit Timbuktu, learn a little history of the original African intellectuals. I’d also like to see the revered Timbuktu Manuscripts, while there, and immerse myself in the culture of that part of our continent, Africa.”

“Wow, sounds like you lead a very hectic life but really enjoying every bit of it. Nice. Do you like going out and being part of the hustle and bustle? It sure sounds like it.” From the corner of her eye, she spotted Samke slinking inside the building and sitting herself on a table nearby.

“Yes, in fact I do live quite a busy life with a million and one things going on at once but I like it that way. I’m always on the go and get tetchy if I’m not doing something.”

Zamo, being the laid back person she was, prone to being “boring” as her friends called her, couldn’t understand why Peello needed to be on the move all the time. “But do you ever get tired?”

“I do. I’m only human after all. When I do, I often take a break hence the travelling. Now, enough about me, let us talk more about you. What are your pet peeves and what makes you happy? What colour do you like?”

Zamo, blushed now that the spotlight was turned back on her.

“Well, I dislike pushy people, I detest disrespect – when talking to me, one has to be fully cognizant of their words and know when to not cross the line. I loathe tardiness and a generally bad attitude. I value honesty, generosity and people being treated fairly. I’m happiest when I listen to music and mind you, not just any type of music. I love being immersed in a good book as well – give me books and music any day! My most favourite colour is blue and all shades of it. Oh!! I love the ocean and the sand too! The sound of the waves breaking and crashing gives me some semblance of calm.”

Peello noticed that she suddenly lit up when she spoke about music, books and the ocean. He decided to store that in one of the compartments inside his brain for future use.

“Any siblings? And what do you like doing in your spare time, like on weekends?” Peello asked, now to determine whether she was a potential long-term partner or not.

“Well, like I mentioned before, I’m a homebody and will only go out if the mood takes me. I have two siblings, Simamkele and Mbaliyothando. Not a big family such as yours by any stretch but we are all very close.”

She couldn’t keep her eyes off him and kept on pinching herself underneath the table. To think that she could have missed this hunky chocolaty specimen!! Ooh, Lord have mercy!

“I hear you and I understand completely. You’re unique in your own way and I accept you the way you are. Listen, I think it is safe to say I like you and I’d like to get to know you better. What do you say?”

Zamo was elated but didn’t dare show her enthusiasm and responded by just smiling and nodding her head in a very restrained manner.

“Does that mean we’re officially dating?” asked Peello smiling impishly.

“Hey, hold your horses Mister! We’re certainly not dating, just going out for an occasional bite to eat and maybe a movie. That’s all!” replied Zamo. Secretly, her heart was performing somersaults and back flips like there was no tomorrow! Toe curling stuff straight out of the movies!

“Okay, point taken. But promise me this: you’ll allow me to convince you otherwise?”

Feeling a little caught off guard, she responded with a shrug. After all, dating was never in her plans, yet this man was charming the pants off her. Her life was fine just the way it was right now and she loved it. Of course, some nights were lonely but having to study a new person? Having to share her life with someone else? Nope. Not in her plans. Not now anyway.

While debating with herself, she didn’t realize that she was staring at Peello.

“Are you checking me out Miss? Have I already made the grade?” asked Peello with confidence.

“Sorry, I was just thinking…” responded Zamo. She was so embarrassed! Her cheeks were a hot, burning mess and if she were light in complexion, she would look like Bozo the clown right about now.

In a rush to escape, she quickly stood up and gathered her bag.

“Listen, I have to go now. Work is calling. See you on Saturday, alright?”

Peello also stood up and offered to walk her to the door. Being the gentleman he was, he opened the establishment’s door and offered to drive her back to her office. She declined; promising to let him know when she arrives at her destination. In the meantime, Samke had already exited and was waiting at the front of the gallery for her friend to show up.

When she finally did, Samke was onto her like a rash, demanding all the details of what went down with Mr Mikane.

“So, how did things go?” Samke asked excitedly as if she was the one sitting in front of Mr Hunk.

“It went okay…” replied Zamo.

“Okay?? What do you mean okay? You were both all over each other! Something tells me I made the right decision to get you two together.” Samke gave herself a pat on the back, beaming at Zamo.

Her friend persisted in her line of questioning.

“Do you like him? I mean, what were your first impressions?”

“My first impressions? Like WOW tshomi!! You have to hear his voice my friend! This man is tall, dark, and handsome AND has a heart of gold. What more could a girl ask for? Yep, you did well this time. But you know, I don’t want to get carried away. It’s still early days…and here I am feeling like a love-struck teenager. I mean, come on Nomzamo!”

Samke put her hand on Zamo’s arm and softly said, “Hey, hey, hey, don’t be too hard on yourself. You haven’t had any; or rather haven’t allowed any man to get close to you. You being the most picky person I know and love, you haven’t allowed yourself the opportunity to enjoy being a desirable woman. It’s clear that this man really likes what he sees in you. So, stop blocking your feelings. It’s okay to feel like a sixteen year old. Just don’t act like one and make stupid mistakes. Okay? Come here. Give me a hug.”

The two friends hugged and walked back into the gallery.


Tell us: Do you think this new love will last