People talk, they say Lilith is a highly dangerous demon of the night, a sexual wanton woman who steals babies at night. Do I look like that, darling? Just look at me. Baby I am hotter than your girlfriend. Everybody has their own history. Let me show you my philosophical side.
History is made before it’s even written on paper and this will be written someday. Beautiful Lilith telling her side of the story. Every story has two sides. God is definitely trash-talking the devil. The devil never got a chance to tell his side of the story.
What if your God is not who he claims to be? What if Lucifer is the good guy? I know you wouldn’t believe me because I am one of his kind. You think I am trying to save his ass and I am making him look good, just like Mr Joker does with the batman.
I hear you guys being brainwashed that Eve was Adam’s lover. Correct. They had two sons, evil Cain and good Abel. Cain killed his brother out of envy and I liked that kid. Anyway, this is not about other people, but about me.
To rectify you guys, I am the first lady and Adam’s first wife, not that dark haired Eve. I left the guy because I refused to be subservient and I made a vow that I would never return to the fucking Garden of Eden. Life was very dull there where I paraded naked and was God’s pawn. I went for the highest bidder, the Archangel Samuel.
I loved that archangel; he’s both good and bad. We made the perfect couple. I became a succubus and people probably name-called me as a Jezebel, a Babylon whore and a prostitute. Oh wow! I can’t resist some humans. They are handsome and hunky guys out there that need Lilith’s touch.
Go ahead, call me a man-eater, I won’t break at all. Now you know my history.
My human host is a very beautiful young girl. She goes by the name of Paige. I admired her looks. She has long, dark blonde hair, pale skin and a nice body. Blonde is my natural hair. I possessed her. People call me Paige, they don’t know that she is possessed by a Queen of the demons.
Paige is a pretty messed up 17-year-old girl who’s got the life of a joke. Her mother is a retired old whore who was working at the brothel as a hooker. The apple does not fall far from the tree. Her mother, Caroline, is eight months pregnant. I do not blame Paige for despising the woman.
“Paige, why all of the sudden do you wear skimpy clothes and flirt with older men? You are a good kid.“ she said.
“Good kid? I don’t think so. Why is it OK for you to be a bad-ass and open your legs for the public? Just look at you, Carol, or whoever you are. You are a disgrace.”
She gave me one hell of a slap and I smirked. “Wow nice slap, not bad for a preggie.”
“I am still your mother, don’t talk to me like that. Are you possessed or on strong drugs? Tell me because my sweet Paige is not like this. Who are you?” She cried.
I smiled. “Good question. Who am I? I am the Queen of the demons who goes by the name Lilith. I like your tummy, by the way. I am going to rip that bastard child out of your womb and eat it. Human cannibalism right? Oh I am a demon, I forgot.”
My eyes turned all-white and she saw a beautiful death in front of her. She tried to run, but she couldn’t. I took a knife and cut open her stomach. She screamed and I loved it, it was music to my ears.
Tell us: Do you believe that people can be possessed?