***Develop a Positive Mind-Set***
Russel Wilson once said “I truly believe in positive synergy, that your positive mind-set gives you a more powerful outlook, and belief that you can do something great means you will do something great.”
Why does it happen that we sometimes come across someone we think was destined for greatness? Do some people have more chances to be successful than others? Well, here are the answers:
Some people tend to act on their impulses rather than think or wish about things. They have a positive outlook towards the world, and they try to find or create opportunities for themselves. On the other hand, people with negative mind-sets tend to wallow in misery and, at times, even self-loathing. They see failures, not chances, and this is the main difference between a successful person and unsuccessful person. A positive mind-set can allow you to have a winning outlook on life.
You can develop a positive mind-set by:
1. Believing in yourself: If you have faith in yourself, everything is possible. You can face the whole world because those beliefs shape our personality and end up defining us. We are too far to be labelled, and that makes us more powerful!
2. Knowing what you really are: You must know who you are, not the version you make up of yourself inside your head. Open your eyes to reality and face the world. It may be hard, but everything after that will get easier.
3. Taking Control: Be aware that you have ultimate control of situations. You have the power to shape the situations around you. It is in your hands to take the measure of things and adjust them to suit you better.
You are the captain of your soul!
Implementing a positive approach so it can work out a solution tends to take your mind off the problem. It can help you manage your stress, and it will also help you build an effective personality with a strong decision making powers and planning ability. If you think positive, you improve your resilience. Resilience roughly translates into toughness. It is not about how much you can hit, it is about how much you can take and still stand up to fight. When facing difficulties, optimists focus on the bright side.
In the words of Mahatma Gandhi:
“Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviour. Keep your behaviour positive because your behaviour becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your value. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.”
We all have to face the harsh realities of life. Moreover, it will always allow you to underestimate the magnitude of your problem. You must always be sure to never bite off more than you could chew. Tread carefully when going through tough times or trying situations. Keep a positive mind-set, but exercise appropriate caution!
Tell us: What do you do to keep a positive mind-set when things are looking bad?