***Be Inspired!***
Michael Jordan once said “some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, and others make it happen”.
Inspiration is the spark that ignites the flame of motivation. The thing about inspiration is that it becomes a part of you, while still being invisible to the world. It keeps the darkness at bay, killing thoughts that haunt you and, with warmth, it gives you the audacity to face your fears. It is immovable, implacable, and indestructible, and the moment your resolve weakens, is the moment you need to seek that spark again and light the flame that is extinguished.
In this whole wide world, there has never been a success story without inspiration. It is the vital tool for succeeding in one’s endeavour, and the pursuing of one’s passion.
To be inspired by a personality like Michael Jordan is as simple as the beliefs that shape his personality. In his own words: “Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.”
To become extraordinary, you must have the strength and passion to rise up every time you fall down. You must have the will to face excruciatingly intense pain. Part of this courage is accepting your failures. Everyone makes mistakes, but the key is to learn from them and keep moving forward. According to Jordan, success is the goal and failure is a result, but quitting or never trying is never an option.
You must be a symbol representing strength, a story of success, a figure of belief, and an icon of inspiration.
We see all around that most people actually do get inspired, but they are never able to achieve what they desire. Why? Since inspiration leads to success, naturally it must follow that inspired people will succeed. But that is not always the case. It happens because, like everything else in life, inspiration also fades away over time, leaving only darkness in your heart. That darkness envelopes your passion, and you become pessimistic and unsure. You feel like giving up. When that happens, that is the time to seek your inspiration again with a renewed motivation. No one is perfect in the world, and even the best amongst us have had their fair share of nightmares and horrors.
Shining the spotlight on me will illuminate the truth of this. I grew up without a father, and without father’s love. There were times when I felt like the world was too much for me, and there were times when I felt like disappearing into thin air because life was not always fair.
I always asked myself why my father had to leave like that. Did he have to leave so soon, without me getting to know him better? I do not want to question God’s will, but I wish he could have waited for my success, he could have waited until I bought my first house and car, so I could pick him up from work … HE COULD HAVE WAITED!
Walking up in the morning, knowing that my father is out of my side, feels like a deep cut from a sharp knife. His absence is felt, and the gap is as wide as an ocean. But who am I to question God’s will, because everything has its time? There is a time for greeting, and there is a time to say goodbye. Goodbye is the hardest thing say, especially when you say it for a good reason. A parent’s love is irreplaceable, but no matter what, you have to love your parents, and you have to take care of them and look after them!
Daddy’s love is unconditional. Daddy’s Love, Daddy Love …
Houston once said “one thing I’ve learned is that surrounding yourself with inspiring people is now just as important as being talented or working hard.”
I could not just wait and sit back in life. Instead, I thought like a queen because a queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another steppingstone to greatness. I made money by doing poems and competing with other children. I was brave enough to stand in front of many people, and I had the ability to never let an opportunity pass me by. So, it does not mean that, when either your father or mother left you, it is the end of the world.
Today, a 16-year-old girl is already into sex. She wants to trend, so she will wear anything on trend. She is already selling herself in the sense that any man that comes her way for a relationship must show some signs of money, then she will respond to him.
They are living like husbands and wives, and our society calls it ‘LOVE’. What kind of people do these learners want to be when they leave school? They take pride in what they wear and the hotels they go to. That is their biggest achievement. But, the girls they called cowards are now starting economic empires, and their futures are already exhausted when they come to their senses.
Inspiration is an unstoppable force that anyone can use, and if they have the motivation to channel its power, it can transform dreams into reality. So, will you finally achieve your gaols, or will you let that inspiration fade away? Stay positive!
Tell us: What do you do to find inspiration?