Enjoy every moment in life, and do not waste it on grudges. Laugh when you can, apologise when you should, and let go of what you cannot change. I think that, with everything in this life, we have to learn when we’ve had enough. Letting go may be one of the most thoughtful acts that I could possible ever do. Perhaps not letting go, but just learning to live with the fact that people change, and that nothing will return to be how it was.

We grow, and certain aspects in our lives change, even if we forget to tell the people who are closest to us. You can spend minutes, hours, days, week, or even months over-analysing a situation, trying to put the pieces together, and justifying what could have and what would have happened. Just leave the pieces on the floor and move on. The rising of the sun from the West does not automatically mean the world is coming to an end. What if the change is the coming of a new beginning?

There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that is your own. The most important thing is to love yourself before anyone else does. God’s plan is always the best.

Sometimes the process is painful and hard, but do not forget that, when God is silent, He is doing something for you. I have seen people do some wicked things to the ones they claimed to love, so do not try sounding different to my ears when everything you do is in your own best interest. To hell with Love. All it does is make people fall into fairy-tales, and when reality kicks in, when your conscious wake up, it’s too late. You will find that you lost everything … everything, and it feels as though something died inside you while you’re still alive.

Love is the root of all lies. It makes one believe in something that is not there, draws an image in the mind that not even the darkness can fade way, then makes it disappear. It will always glow in the darkness everyone is looking at, because people always seek out the light. But it is all just a big fat illusion, and it is all a lie!

Never put the key to your happiness in someone else’s pocket. Let no man pull you low enough to hate him. The truth is that everybody is going to hurt you, and you just have to find the ones worth suffering for. Every time you smile at someone, it is a gift to that person. Some people enter your our life as a blessing, and others as a lessons. So, if you want to love, you must first learn how to forgive. God did not call you to be successful, he called you to be faithful.

If you want to change the world, love your family and spread love everywhere you go. Peace begins with a smile. Nobody is real in this world, except your ‘mother’. A poor person has no friends. People do not like good thoughts, they like good looks. People respect the money, not the person. The person you love the most will hurt you the most. The truth is simple, but the moment you try to explain it, it becomes difficult.

When you are happy you enjoy the music, but when you are sad you understand the lyrics. In life, two things define you: ‘your patience’ when you have nothing, and ‘your attitude’ when you have everything. My sister, life has no remote, so get up and change it yourself! Each one of us is the maker of her own fate, and the comeback is always greater than the set back.


Tell us: Do you think is it has become easier to love or not?