***Never Put Temporary People in Your Life, Work on Your Dreams (Goals.)***

Positioning people in life can be difficult and demanding to one’s peace of mind. That is why you should never put temporary people in the permanent place of your life, and never be afraid of removing the wrong people from the right place of your life. If it is your life, then it is your right. Be BOLD enough to take decisions concerning your life. If they call it pride, tell them it is class, because no matter the economy of the jungle, lions will never eat grass.

Even if education is free, a rat will never go to the same school with a cat. You can never go anywhere with negative people, they are just like cars without fuel or engines. You will only sit in them, but they will NEVER take you anywhere.

You cannot change what you see until you learn from what you saw. Be careful who you open up to, because only a few people care. The rest just want to have something they can gossip about. Some people come into your life like a dark stormy night, but when the storm is over and the sun rises, it becomes a beautiful day again in your life. So, make more beautiful days in your life by removing all the ‘STORMS’ in it.

A smile is the most beautiful curve on a woman’s body, and life rests on the pillars of love, care, and trust. Therefore, you must have a strong pillar to have a beautiful life. Don’t waste your time looking back on what you lost. Move on, because life is not meant to be travelled backwards. Not everyone is meant to be in your future, and some people are just passing through to teach us lessons in life. Life will always try to make things hard for you, but every time you overcome those obstacles, you become stronger.

Life is short and temporary, so don’t waste it on stressing because you cannot get what you want. Sometimes, in life, you just have to let things go, and you have to forgive, love, and move on! You will never know when your time is up. Memories remind us that nothing lasts forever, and that you can be happy today and sad tomorrow. Time is precious, and it should not be wasted. Enjoy life!

Have you ever noticed that the sun shines after every storm? Life is the same, and whatever it is you are going through will pass. No one said life would be easy, they just promised it would get better.

Life is not always sunshine and butterflies, but sometimes you have to learn to smile through the pain. The quality of life you live is determined by the quality of relationships you keep. If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things. Life is like a bar of wet soap, once you think you’ve gotten hold of it, it slips away. Never beg people to stay in your life against their will.

Sometimes the gift of goodbye opens another door for you, so move on and start creating the next chapter of your life. Everything has to be figured out, and expect the same thing to happen for finding out the purpose of life! We only have one life to live, so we have to live it the BEST way we possibly can. Make the rest of your life the best part of your life.

Life is what happens when you are sadly looking at the past and looking too far into the future. If you love life, it will love you back, sooner or later. Don’t be afraid of life. Believe that it is worth living, and your belief will help you create that fact. Life is a collection of mistakes accompanied by lessons, and you will never learn if you don’t make them, so it is about that balance. Be kind, but don’t let people abuse you.

Trust people, but don’t be deceived. Be content, but never stop improving yourself. If things are good, enjoy life because it will not last forever. But, if things are bad, do not worry about it because it cannot last forever. Sometimes we struggle through tasteless coffee until the last sip, then we find sugar lying at the bottom. That’s life, sweetened but not stirred well!

The simplest thing in this world is life, and the most complicated thing is the way we live it. I know life was never meant to be easy, but come to think of it, I never thought it will be so hard. Sometimes life is just like chapters in a book: some are good, some bad, but all of them come together to create the story of our lives. Life is also like ice-cream, so enjoy it before it melts. Live it the way you want to, not according to how other people will perceive you. It is your life, after-all, so live it for yourself.

But, most importantly, know that life is the most difficult exam one has to write. Many people fail because they try to copy others, not realising that everyone has a different question paper.


Tell us: What role do you think trusting people plays in building a life for yourself?