***Questioning Yourself***
Stare at your reflection in the mirror and ask yourself who you really are.
Do not lose who you are in the blur of the stars, because you are who you are, not what other people say you are. Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing. Sometimes it hurts when boys say WOMEN are stupid while they are not. It is just that they are following their hearts, but what I know is that tears do not mean you are losing, and everybody is bruising. Just be true to who you are.
You are beautiful, smart, funny, kind, and unique. You are worthy of love and affection. You are never too much or too little. You are always enough. You are precious, and you are a diamond at its rarest, a rose, a star, and a pearl. You are the most stunning of all God’s creations, and you are worth more than you could ever imagine. Your worth surpasses all earthy things, and you are loved.
Why do you feel like everything in life is falling apart while you are such a WINNER? The reality is that you deserve someone who will give up their life for you, because you are powerful, strong, and capable. YOU ARE AWESOME! And do not feel sorry for yourself because you are not doing yourself or your future any favours by throwing yourself a pity party. If you feel sorry for yourself in your career, then you would will not be able to be WHO YOU ARE, which is a seven-figure earner, so don’t feel sorry for yourself.
Embrace the pain. Look, you can’t jump over it, or go under it, or go around it. You can only go through it. So you have to stop avoiding it. You have to accept it because you know what, a better version of you is waiting on the other side. You must be excited and be proud that you made it through a dark time in your life. Most importantly, don’t compare or compete, because comparison is the thief of all joy and competition is the thief of all progress.
Competition and comparison will make you resentful, bitter, jealous, and unproductive. Many of us are looking at other people, comparing our car to their car, our business to their business, our relationship to their relationship. But DON’T COMPARE! Because, ladies, the woman whose life you think is better than yours, her lashes, her nails, and her hair are just as fake as yours, boo, so don’t even worry about it.
Get excited! But don’t get excited about where you are going, just about where you are right now, bad situation and all. If you are facing the biggest fight of your life, get excited about that because God does not give fights, big or small, to little soldiers. So, if you are facing a big fight, that just means you have grown into the armour that you were meant to wear, and that only He knew you were ready to wear it. So, I just want you to quickly get excited. Get excited because you are the creator of your destiny, the artist of your masterpiece, and the author of your story. Get excited because the world is going to see who you really are, and that is kind, caring, compassionate, strong, bold and all out badass!
You must stop stressing about boys and start focusing on your goals. My sisters, all that glitters is not gold, so make your future bright and start today.
How many of you today are changing the world they are in? What kind of spirit would you do well in your life? At some point in our lives, almost all of us actively seek out opportunities or chances to turn our lives around. We wish for a chance that will move us forward in our career and towards a more fruitful life. We must admit that many of us seek shortcuts or the easy way out. A majority of people are afraid of taking the necessary risks, and they would rather go with the flow than do something extraordinary. When presented with a quick route to our desires, we always opt for the easy way, and this sometimes leads to rash judgement and affects our decision-making ability.
Nobody is perfect. We are all messed up, and cleaning up that mess requires patience. So, the rectification of any error, therefore, requires time. At a certain point, we all realise that every wound heals at its own pace. When you want to succeed as much as you want to breath, that is when you will be successful.
Tell us: What are you doing to change the world you are in?