You must ask yourself these four questions: Why? Why not? Why not me? And why not now? They will lead you towards comprehension, along with understanding, self-motivation, and management of time, which are all checkpoints on your race to success. With them, you will be able to determine your own level of interest, in order to be a real woman. This will help you grasp your identity, your strength, your weaknesses, and, above all, your purpose. Having a clear understanding of one’s passion and desires can go a long way in turning them into reality.
You are born of God, and you will overcome the world. Refuse to give up on life, and refuse to fail! Uncommon favour is upon you, from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. You are a mighty woman of valour, and you are dynamite, a peacemaker, a solid rock, a cyclone of unity, and a woman of passion and compassion. Do not give up for any reason, because you are a genius. Stand up and empower the nation!
Throughout your life, you have loved, lied, hurt, lost, missed, trusted, and made mistakes, but most of all, you have learned. The presence of God watches over you, and where ever you are, God is.
Take Care of Your Body
Your body is the house you grew up in.
How dare you try to burn it to the ground?
Everybody wants a healthy body.
A good heart
A fine and smooth mind
Skin that glows
And hair that is soft and flows as free and smoothed as silk
Respect and preserve
The gift God has given to you
Take care of your body
It shall take care of you
Love your body
It shall love you
And never forget that a healthy body
Means a healthy mind
Your body is the language I would
Like to be fluent in
Your body is a locked-cage
Where everybody doesn’t belong
Your body is fluid stealth in its perfection
It describes who you are;
A woman with dignity
A woman with integrity
A woman with pride
Umfazi o ihloniphayo
“You have brain in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.”
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