On Monday I was ready for my first classes. I enjoyed them and I met a few people. Later that afternoon, Kim came over and I told her all about my day and how it went and, of course, we chatted about how her day had gone as well.

That night, before she went home, we hugged goodbye and I gave her a gentle kiss on the lips. We were quiet long enough for me to realise that I had probably messed up our friendship. She just said goodbye and left. Feeling like an idiot, I ran to what I always run to – Marijuana. The one thing that could make you forget what a problem is, let alone that you have one. I lit up and my world was okay again. The entire week I didn’t hear a thing from her and she ignored all my attempts to try and contact her. Eventually, I just let it be.

On the Friday night I was playing a little Fifa and just relaxing, when Kim came bursting through the door. She told me that she had had feelings for me from the get-go and never wanted to say anything, out of fear of losing me. We discussed the situation and came to the conclusion that we were actually crazy about each other. With my family being in Cape Town and both of us in Johannesburg, we decided to give it a go.

For the first time in my life I felt alive, free and happy. I was literally a different person. Someone I hadn’t even known existed, now lived inside of me. For months on end, my relationship was perfect, law school was perfect and everything was on-point. My mom decided that they would much rather spend the December holidays with me in Johannesburg, seeing that they never have been for a holiday before. It was really hard for Kim and I because, either we couldn’t see each other, or we had to act like friends. In January I went to Cape Town, which was even harder and we just waited for time to pass.

Finally, I went back to Johannesburg and things got back to normal. The academic year started for us both and it was Kim’s graduation year. Everything was going well and then I met this new group of people on campus. They also smoked and I told them we should smoke at my place. We smoked, played games and ate food there. Before I knew it, it had become a habit; a habit that Kim didn’t like, but I was having too much fun to care.

Soon enough one of my new friends suggested we should get on another high. A cocaine high. I wasn’t too sure but I did it anyway. I mean, I’m smart; I knew what it could do to me but also knew what it could do for me. He was right, sure enough we were soon on another level and only that level. Of course, I hid it from Kim for a I long as I possibly could. Our relationship was shaky, my grades were falling and I was only wondering when I could do another line.

Eventually Kim found out and phoned my mom. She told her about my problem and the next morning there my mother was, banging on my door, angrier than I had ever seen her before.

That year I lost my bursary because I passed with minimum results and not what was required of me. I broke up with Kim. I moved back to Cape Town, went straight into rehab and, six months later, I came out with a new perspective on life.

Whilst in there, I met a guy who came to play music and he was pretty good. His name was Kyle. He was tall, with afro-type hair and the most beautiful smile. He asked if he could see me when I got out.

After I left rehab, I got a job as a Paralegal and tried to get my life together. Within three months of starting the job, I applied to do my degree part time. I started to go out with Kyle. He was a nice guy but I told him what had happened in Johannesburg and he understood what I was trying to say. When I was ready, I finally got in contact with Kim but she told me to sort my life out and that I should forget about her. I figured that, if that is what she wanted, I would respect her wishes.


Tell us: Do you think one can kick a drug habit for good?