Hours later Marian came back and was welcomed back with some serious love since she clinched the deal in Cape Town. She told Mike to run upstairs and call his sister. Mike ran upstairs, knocked and there was no answer so he decides to walk in.

He saw his sister lying in bed and he assumed she was sleeping. He ran back downstairs and told his mother that she was sleeping. Marian went upstairs to wake her. She leaned by her door and called her.

“Sandra, you can’t be mad at me forever, please come down stairs, I want to show you something that I’m certainly sure you’ll like.”

There was total silence. She walked in and noticed something was odd. She saw the bloody sheets and the blade on the floor.

“No, no, no, no, no, no, Sandra Sandra wake up baby. No, no!”

Tears were now streaming down her face and Mike was confused, he went out and told his dad what’s going on.

“Daddy, Mama is crying because Sisi won’t wake up,”

Musa looked at his son, confused. He didn’t ask him many questions, he just went upstairs too. He didn’t like what he saw when he got there. His wife was holding her daughter’s lifeless body.

“Oh God, no she didn’t. This girl though!”

Marian was screaming and crying. “I KILLED MY DAUGHTER!”

“No, no you didn’t…”

“Baby I’m sorry, please wake up, don’t leave me please don’t,”

Musa tried to separate her from her daughter’s body but she crawled back to her and held her.

“I won’t leave you again, please wake up. I won’t leave, I won’t,”

Musa just held both of them and tried to comfort his wife as much as he could. He finally called the ambulance and the police. They came and took Sandra’s lifeless body to the morgue and the police gave her the note Sandra left.

After reading it, she just wished she could die too. The following morning she finally went to Sandra’s school and told the principal what happened. She broke the news at the assembly for the whole school and she read the note to all the learners.

Hey mom, guess what, I left you a note too. Since you’re reading this it means I’m gone. I know you will say that I’m selfish for leaving you, but the truth is, I’ve set you free. Now you can carry on with your life without worry about what I will do that will stress you. I’m sorry for leaving without saying goodbye, I’m sorry Mom but I had to go. Please don’t cry.

Tell Daddy that I love him very much. Tell my boyfriend Tendo, please tell him what we had was real, it wasn’t just a crush. Tell all my friends in Soweto that they are the best.

I doubt my schoolmates in Pretoria will even remember me, they probably won’t even notice I’m gone. All I ever did was cause problems for them, now that I’m gone I’m sure they are happy that they will never see me again. I love you Mommy, see you when I see you.

After she was done reading the note in tears, it took a few seconds for it to sink in, and once it did, everyone went silent.

Everybody blamed themselves; the teachers thought they were too hard on her. It was worse for Elizabeth; she thought of the bad things she did to her with her friends. She couldn’t handle the guilt she was feeling, she broke down and started crying. She ran out of the assembly, realising that their ways of amusing themselves was slowly killing an innocent child.


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