The principal punished her because of her mother and he suspended her. Sandra was furious when she got home to find the house empty again; her mother was nowhere to be found. She left a note again:

Emergency at work. Sorry, can’t come to school and will be away for a day or two. There’s money in my dresser, it will last you till I come back and Mrs Koketso will bring Mike later. Take care, love Mom.

Meanwhile, the learners at school had started speculating, posting on social media. They said her mother was a prostitute and that’s why she didn’t want to come to school. Cyber bullying got to Sandra, to the point that she couldn’t even walk freely on the streets. People recognised her as girl that was stripping at school.

She decided to stay indoors and missed Soweto more than ever now.

Sandra’s mom finally came back and she decided to go to her daughter’s school. She was shocked that her daughter wasn’t ready at that time, it was 7 a.m. So she went to Sandra’s room and was surprised to see Sandra in bed and not ready for school. Sandra lied and told her that she quit school, she didn’t have the strength to explain that she got suspended because of her.

“You what?” her mother asked in anger.

“You know I don’t even have the strength to fight with you,” she was so mad and called Musa to intervene.

They shouted at Sandra and she just lost it and snapped at them and told them to shut the hell up. Her stepfather, Musa, was shocked.

“What did you just say young lady?” Musa was furious. “You heard me, I said shut up.”

“I won’t let you talk to you father like that.”

“Mama for the last time, he’s not my father, now just listen to me. What’s wrong with you two, I mess up once and you all in my case. You’re busy preaching about appreciating every time and yet you don’t appreciate the good things I did for you when you were out there doing whatever you were doing.”

Both her parents were silent.

“Look at Mike, your child, he’s happy because of me. I feed him, I bath him, I play with him. Ever since we moved here I’ve become his mother. Mama, I even told you that I didn’t want to come here but you didn’t listen to me, you forced me to come here and I’m certain you forgot it’s my birthday today.”

“Oh my God, no baby I…”

“No mom, let me talk, I may never get this chance again since you no longer live here. All you ever do is leave me notes. Well, I don’t write notes, I’m going to tell you this straight to your face. Mama, you took everything away from me. I was happy in Soweto but no, you had to accept this gift from Musa. You made me sacrifice my happiness for yours. What kind of a parent does that?”

Her mother sat down.

“We were both happy in Soweto, Mama. I’d come to you and talk to you about everything but lately we never talk because you’re never home. When we talk we argue every time. I’ve spent more time in this house than you have, and this gift was meant to be yours not mine. Mama I…” emotions took over Sandra, she couldn’t speak. She started crying and left the room.

Sandra’s mom just cried. She knew her daughter was telling the truth. Musa hugged her and looked at her in the eyes.


Tell us: Would you have courage like Sandra to tell your parents what you really thought and felt?