After two hours of being trapped, a teacher started asking about her whereabouts and as expected, Elizabeth was quick to answer.

“She left, Mrs Peterson, we were at the toilets with her and she got a call and we never saw her since then,”

“What? She wasn’t at school the whole week and now she just vanishes? I’m taking this matter to the principal,” she did exactly that and Elizabeth was so proud of herself.

The school bell rang and it was the end of school. Sandra had been trapped for three hours when a cleaner came in and helped her out.

As soon as the door was opened, she took her clothes and ran straight home, leaving her books and everything in class. There was no one home to comfort her after what had happened, so she just lay in her bed and cried herself to sleep.

Social media at her school was buzzing; the video they took went viral. She read the comments, they were saying nasty things about her.

All those comments tore her apart; everybody was labelling her like some piece of meat. Sandra vowed that she will never set her foot at that school ever again and she did exactly that. Weeks passed by and Sandra didn’t go to school and her mom was informed that her daughter wasn’t attending school. When Sandra’s mom got home she gave her hell.

“Sandra, get down here now, and explain to me why haven’t you been attending school!”

“I want to go back home Mama, I’m sick of all of this.”

“Sick of all of this? You are not answering my question,”

“Now you’re suddenly interested in what’s going on in my life? Ever since we’ve been here you’ve never asked me how my day was or if I’m settling in or what, you’re always out there chasing this husband of yours like a lost puppy,”

“Don’t speak to me like I’m your friend. Firstly, I don’t have time to be babysitting a big girl like you. I’ve got money to make and bills to pay. You think sitting down and chatting with you will pay the bills? It costs to live in this neighbourhood,”

“I’ve never asked for any of this, I was happy where I was,”

“I thought my husband was exaggerating but he was right, you are one spoiled ungrateful brat you know that. You don’t have to ask for all of this, we are your parents, we have to provide for you and you can’t do just one thing and just be grateful. Show some appreciation maan!”

Sandra just stood there and looked at her with tearing eyes.

“That’s not gonna work, not this time. I have a lot on my plate and you only have one job. One job only and that’s to go to school and learn. But oh no, Sandra decides to bunk classes and not attend school, are you on drugs or something?”

“Mama I’m not fine, somebody did something bad to me.”

“No, no, no, don’t you dare pin this on other people! When I got the call from your principal it was Sandra this, Sandra that. They mention nobody else but you, clearly you are the problem. Now, I have to go to your school tomorrow and cancel my important meetings for you. Do you have any idea what your father went through to get you in that school?”

She went on and on preaching to Sandra, telling her how much school fees her husband pays for her and she told her to go in school first thing tomorrow morning. She even said she will follow her later on.

Sandra did as she was told. When she arrived at school she got lectured by almost all the teachers. Her mother did what she was good at and she didn’t pitch at all that morning. Sandra contacted her mother and she agreed to come. They waited and waited for Sandra’s mother, she didn’t show up at all and the principal was furious and told Sandra to see him.


Tell us: What do you think of Sandra’s parents so far?