The day finally came when she had to go to school and it turned out to be her worst day. She got in trouble for not wearing a blazer; she got lost at some point and got in class late. Her first impression was questioned.

On the other side, her mother was having the time of her life. She was out shopping, buying new stuff for the house, and she was really enjoying it. Weeks went on and slowly but surely, Sandra got used to the school even though she didn’t make any friends yet.

One day at school, Sandra came in class a bit early and saw an empty chair and took it. She didn’t know it was reserved for Elizabeth. Elizabeth was the “it” girl and a bully, feared by all the girls.

When Elizabeth walked in she saw that her chair was not in its place and they told her what happened. She wasted no time and went straight to Sandra. No questions asked, she pulled the chair by force and Sandra fell on her back and the whole class laughed.

She lost her cool, got up and pushed Elizabeth to the point where she fell and sprained her ankle. One teacher saw this and Sandra tried explaining what really happened but the teacher didn’t want to hear it and told her that she saw what she saw. The worst part was that almost all the students turned their backs on her and she got in trouble. The principal told her that his school doesn’t condone violence and that he wanted to see her parents.

Sandra went home and told her mother what had happened at school. She told Sandra that she had a few errands she had to attend to and that she’d be back after a couple of days. That got Sandra into more trouble with the principal. The next day she went straight to the principal’s office.

“I know pupils like you, always claiming to have told the parent, knowing exactly that you didn’t,”

“Why wouldn’t I tell her, what would I achieve if I did so?”

“I don’t know, you tell me young lady,”

“I did ask her to come and she told me she had a few errands she had to attend to. What was I supposed to do, drag her here?”

“You know you are asking me a lot of questions, now you’re making your problems my problems. Call your mother now, Sandra,”

“How, the Code of Conduct states we shouldn’t bring our cell phones to school,” she lied, she had her phone with her and she knew the principal wasn’t going to frisk her and search for the phone.

“You have an attitude! I’ve seen girls like you and they never make it here. Keep that attitude and we will see where you will end up. Now get out of my office and don’t keep me waiting after school, be here, understood?”

“Loud and clear principal,” Sandra picked her books and went to class.

Things got from bad to worse for her; she got a call from Mike’s day care, as she was heading to class. She was so happy it didn’t ring in front of the principal.

“Yes Ms Jemison, how can I help you?”

“Yes dear, it’s Mike, he has a fever and has been vomiting non-stop since he got here, and we can’t reach his mother. Can you come and take him to the clinic or something?”

“I can’t, I’m at school and about to go to class,” she stood there shocked that her mother put her name in case of emergency and not Musa.

“Ms Jemison, can’t you take him or…”

“No dear, sorry I can’t. We’re short staffed today and I can’t afford to lose any of my staff today even more. That’s how bad it is,”

“Bummer, this sucks. Uhmm OK, give me an hour and I’ll be there,”

“Please dear hurry, I’ll be taking care of him until you get here,”

“Thanks Ms Jemison, see you now now,”

She needed to find a way to get out of school without letting principal know of the situation. She lied about not having a phone after all. She then saw lying as the only option out. She went to the security and told them that the principal ordered her to come back with her mother before lunch time or there will trouble for her. For some reason they believed her, one of security saw her leave the principal’s office after all.


Tell us: What would you’ve done differently were you in Sandra’s shoes?