Mount Ville is a small village found in the Drakensburg Mountain range of South Africa. It is a quiet village and most people relate well to one another. It is still a developing society compared to the modern world. Boys herd cattle and young girls collect water for their homes.

People found their own ways of making a good living here. During summer, most of the open fields were used for farming and there were cattle milling around the village. Children would swim in the nearby lake. The village was far from the city and crime was not something that occurred often. People here lived in harmony and were proud of their customs and traditions.

The community consisted of various cultures and different cultural festivals were held year-round to entertain the people. The youth were always enthusiastic when it came to community functions that were held. Boys and girls were always competitive with one another in dancing competitions, singing competitions, beauty pageants and other various competitions. Hidden talents were always revealed and it was something that the community always looked forward to.


Joseph Stone was an affable, well-known teenager in the village. When off school he spent most of his time at home helping his mother with cleaning the yard or the house. He was always available whenever his mother needed him, unless of course he was busy with his homework or studying. He was a smart boy who loved and respected himself and everyone in the village knew how respectful and down to earth he was.

Whenever he passed by, everyone found it so easy to ask him how he and his family were doing, and he would always answer with an open heart and a smile on his face. He lived with his mother, who was not working but selling vegetables and fruits to support them. Joseph was also a well-known cobbler, and used the money he earned repairing shoes to help with things around the house, but the money he made was never enough.

Down the road lived a girl called Lizzel. She was a teenage girl who was committed to her books, eager to pursue her career in modeling after completing matric. Lizzel was a neat, smart and good looking girl with small eyes and a sharp nose. She was light in complexion and had smooth skin. Lizzel lived with her mom and her three other siblings. She was the oldest of the three.

Derick, Lizzel’s father, was working in another town and never came home unless there was a special occasion. He worked at a delivering company, spending most of the time on the road. Lizzel’s mother was working as a nurse in the community clinic and the other children were still in school. Lizzel was almost like the queen of the village because of her good looks, but her parents were too proud of that and were over-protective when it came to their daughter. Like every parent, they wanted the best for their daughter.

Joseph and Lizzel were at the same school and also in the same class. There was always this competition between the two. It inspired Joseph to work even harder, because he loved competing in school work. He knew that by competing and working hard he stood no chance of dropping his marks. Lizzel excelled in drawing and life-sciences and Joseph was good in almost all the subjects, but excelled best in mathematics and languages. He focused mostly on public speaking at school and was entering every competition he could. The prizes he won helped his mother at home for groceries and other things they need.

One day at the supermarket, Joseph bumped into Lizzel.

“Hi Lizzie,” Joseph said.

“Hi Joseph. How are you?”

“I’m actually cool, Lizzie, now that I’ve seen you. You good?” he asked.

“Umm…yeah and what’s that supposed to mean Joseph?” she answered, blushing.

“I mean…I’m always happy to see you. It was good to see you at church today.”

“I thought you weren’t coming. I saw you when you arrived, but you were too late, two hours and 15 minutes after the service had begun,” she said, looking annoyed.

“Yeah, I’m sorry, hey. I just had to go somewhere before, but it was a great holy sermon today, hey.”

“That’s why I invited you. I knew that this Sunday was going to be good. I’m glad you came and enjoyed it.”

“I certainly did. Thanks.”

“Ok Jo’, that’s nice. Look, I have to go. My mom is waiting for this soap at home. Bye!” she said with a wave as she walked away.

“Bye…” he said.

While Joseph stood there starring at Lizzel on her way out of the supermarket, John approached his friend and tapped him on the shoulder.

“You know Joseph, for a guy like you, you should know better when it comes to Lizzel,” John said to his friend.

“What you mean by that?”

“Check, I can see you like her, but you have no guts to tell her. No offense Jo’, but I don’t think Lizzel would sing for your tune.”

“Who said I like her? Anyway…what do you know about Lizzie?” Joseph asked.

“What I know is that you guys can’t date man. She can’t be with a guy who’s selling chickens or vegetables on weekends. Joseph…I heard she is also seeing someone at the moment. Did she tell you?”

“No. Even if she was, she would have told me.”

“Just ask her. If she’s honest enough; she will tell you. You know every boy at school wants her,” John goaded.

With that, Joseph turned and left the supermarket. Lizzel was a good girl and everyone wanted to be near her. What if John is right? I wonder if I even stand a chance. I have to let her know about these feelings I have for her, he thought to himself as he walked away. Endless worries ran through Joseph’s mind as he walked home.

Oh no! I’m in love with her. Does she feel this same strong infatuation I’m feeling? No…I’m not certain. Wait…she smiles at me and I noticed she listens when I talk to her. Oh…she feels me; am I right or am I imagining this?

I got nothing to brag about or to impress her. I’m just a normal guy. Does she think I’m an idiot? Do I look like I can’t make her happy? Oh no…she’s too beautiful for me; I’m probably not her type. But she’s nice to me; or is it an act? I’m so confused.

I love her. I’m deeply in love with her. Can she fall for my type? Oh god, I’m already hurt not knowing what the outcome might be. I’m already hurting myself. It’s not easy. How do I prove to her that I can make her smile? I feel small when I’m beside her.

How do I promise her a better tomorrow if I struggle within myself? She’s definitely the girl I want to wake up next to one day. There are better looking guys than me probably to worm their way into her heart. How could she fall for my type?

No. Let me pray and hope she will love me back, even at my worst. This can’t be lust, right? This must be love.


Tell us what you think: Do you think Lizzel feels the same way about Joseph?