After having met Emihle, I went back to my residence and all I could think of at the moment was that beautiful smile of hers. Thinking of that smile reflected a very happy facial expression that made the outer world notice that something had changed about me; like I had won the lottery.
My residence mates could not help but to ask me of my sudden happiness, as I all of sudden sang through the corridors. I was not to tell them of my encounter earlier on. After all, it was nothing other than a chat with a girl that I had at first sight fallen for. It was the best talk that I had ever had with a species of the opposite sex.
I had always been a guy that is never desperate to have a girlfriend. I never spent my time scouting and wooing girls because to me it was a waste of time, and I had much better things to do.
If I were to get into a relationship, it would not be something that I would go and brag about to other boys. I had nobody but myself to impress, thus I did not have a long list of ex-girlfriends. I had always valued doing things out of my own independence very much.
I sat down in my room and carefully thought about my intentions with Emihle. From my conversation with her earlier I had shown her that I had a strong interest in knowing her better and her response was positive. I had to see her again and it should be soon that we are able to pick up where we left off. I could not just lead her on and then be cold thereafter; the momentum had to be kept.
It was on Facebook that evening when I got to talk to her again.
It was the first time that I in-boxed her on social networks. It was as though I had just opened a can of worms, because after Facebook we communicated on other well-known social networks, Mxit, Google Talk,Twitter and WhatsApp.
I would stay up through half the night, reluctant to put down my phone. It would even come to a point where I was out of airtime and I would run to the ATM at night to get airtime. I had attempted to use cell phone banking a few times, and my airtime always ended up with some stranger because I’d miss just one digit, so the ATM was safer.
Our chats were the most important thing to me, and thus I made it my task to always be available. A strong sense of connection developed and from here there was no turning back.
As we chatted I got to know many things about Emihle, and she was undoubtedly the most amazing girl I had met thus far. At first I was enchanted by her looks, but deep down I had known that there was more to her than just her pretty face, and I was right after all.
I now felt ready to see her again, so I asked if she’d to be available sometime during the week. Unfortunately there wasn’t any time during the week that was convenient for both of us, so we agreed that we meet during the weekend.
She was on her way home, back from the study session that she had with her friends, that Saturday afternoon when she called. She told me she was done and I could come and accompany her. I was rather lethargic about seeing her again after a week, and mind you this was the second time I was to see her.
I waited for her outside Landbou and she took a while before she came. When she pitched, she was still as amazing as the first day I saw her. It was around 15:00 that day and that night was the Annual Poetry Residence Competition Finals, so I had to be back at Res for the mini rehearsal at 17:00.
“Hi Emihle, wow you look as beautiful as the day I first met you,” I said, slowly trying to charm her with my voice.
“Hi Bradley,” she said with a surprised voice.
“It’s good to see you again and thanks that you agreed to see me,”
“No problem, I enjoyed your company the first time so I did not see a problem meeting you again.”
“I’m glad we share the same sentiments,” I said feeling slightly relieved.
“So you also enjoyed my company, it’s not like I talked much,”
“Sorry taking the stage I promise that today I’ll be more of listener than a chit-chatter,” I said laughing.
“No, it’s not like I was irritated, you kept me entertained,” she said smiling.
“Ya, ya, ya, it’s not like you don’t talk much as well. You took over when we started chatting on Facebook, and I was surprised that you talk that much,”
“Akere most of the time when I’m on Facebook, I’m sitting on my bed, and I’m relaxed thus I can chat for hours non-stop,” she said and I couldn’t help but picture her, on her bed late at night, chatting to me.
We had been walking and talking for a while and it felt like the right moment for me to make Emihle aware of my emotions. There was a small bus stop shadow structure by the road side that I saw and asked her if we could sit for a moment.
Tell us what you think: Do you think Brad will have the courage to ask Emihle out? What do you think she will say?