The Navy took flight and patrolled the desert zone, Bryan waited until he was certain that they were out of sight and then the DTi-48 rolled out from under the it’s hiding place in the dirt and rolled away.

Chris was playing cards with his men when Max walked in.

“We have company!” Max announced.

The navy robots invaded Vocrust. They took flight as jets and rolled them self into balls, which knocked down heavy walls. Vocrust came to a standstill.

Chris locked his family in the bunker and came back, reloading his guns.

“Why don’t we split up?” he asked The Pride, as he packed his bags.

“You sure?” Max asked, glancing at his worried friend.

“Blackjack could be anywhere!” Chris responded, holding a pistol.

The pride agreed and spread out. The heavy balls were scattered everywhere. People thought it was safe to come out and inspect the strange pieces of machine that had fallen from the sky. Suddenly, the ‘heaven-sent’ navy unrolled, shooting everything in their path till they eventually transformed back into Navy robots. They tossed cars upside down and dragged people from buildings to shoot them in the streets, Blackjack got back to action and drove around town looking for Chris.

Chris stepped aside so that he could follow his pride members, just as one was shot in the back.

“Like I said, Blackjack is everywhere!” he said as he jumped the dead body to scout for his pack.

The Navy robots took many forms and hit heads with swords, arrows, and any other weapons that they could find in the dysfunctional town.

One by one, behind walls Chris shot every gang member who fought against Vocrust, but he was more concerned with Blackjack than his killing machines. Brenda reached Vocrust by noon; she burst the underworld, shooting every building as domestic Navy robots ran for their immortality.

Max drove his car up to Chris and hit the brakes, “Chris let’s go, this is no use, no one can really defeat Blackjack and his Navy.” he said from the driver’s window.

Chris got into the car but 15 yards away the car hit brakes again as he pushed Max’s dead body out of the vehicle. He took the wheel and was about to turn the corner when the black sports car appeared on his side of the car and smashed him off the road. Blackjack found his location and parked his black chopper in the middle of the road. Parker transformed back into human form.

From the crashed vehicle, a wounded Chris pulled himself out and limped away from Blackjack’s spot. Parker followed Chris who did not want to give in; he took out his hand gun and shot at Chris’s legs and shoulders until Chris could no longer find the strength to pull himself up. Blackjack was entertained by the event, enjoying watching his Navy robots terrorizing the Vocrust.

Parker stood with a foot on Chris’s belly; the silver man enjoyed seeing Chris in pain, and waited a while before he pressing the hand gun to his forehead. With dreaded anticipation, Chris waited for the silver man to pull the trigger. But Parker never got to make the shot. Every Navy robot at Vocrust suddenly stopped dead in their position while some others fell from the sky like bronze statues. People came out to celebrate their victory, holding on to Navy trophies, and Parker himself stood silently before his target.

Blackjack felt his defeat when the Navy could not move an inch to stop the mob justice which awaited him. He walked towards the black sports car and took off in it, driving fast and furiously. DTi-48 had shot the Golden Tower down; the driving force governing the Navy system had been destroyed.

It was spring and the birds were making love, the sun shone brightly between the shady leaves and with each drop life passed by.

Two bikers grew old together, riding bicycles in the dirt, riding bicycles on the mountains, riding bicycles in the streets, riding bicycles over walls, riding bicycles to Vocrust, riding bicycles back to the Navy world, riding bicycles with their kids and their grand kids, riding bicycles till they broke and were forgotten in the Navy scrap yard.

Bryan woke up from his dream and saw Blackjack waiting, assault rifle in hand. Standing across the bedroom, Blackjack pulled the trigger and shot Bryan in the morning. He walked down the stairs and hung Bryan’s assault rifle back on the wall. He took his broken wrist watch out of his jacket to see that it was the waking time for Navy robots, who were no more. On his way out Blackjack opened the door to see Brenda, with a weapon pointed directly at him, a few seconds later, the tank blasted its shooter, blasting the house down.


In the following years, people finally succumbed to the One Nation policy. Parker met with the world government to draw up the best strategy, which would work well with people of this earth. They agreed on the terms and conditions that Parker would build the Navy world and keep it underground; this would give people a chance to live again. Chris got infected and stuck his dying body at Vocrust, unwilling to meet Blackjack again from the Navy world. Dead human bodies were sent to the Navy world, they took the brains out and let families bury their loved one’s bodies in the soil.

Parker built his son a new shining body and Blackjack became a Black Navy. He stood next to the Silver Navy, reading his new word on the database. Everything felt the same. He took a walk, felt the summer breeze pouring down from beyond the illuminating heavens. Judy stood by, staring at the sunset with her baby girl Marry. Marry was human and her mother was a Navy. Blackjack joined them to enjoy the view. They stared into the distance, holding hands, while, in the playground, human kids played in bliss.


Marry touched the Vocrust grasslands barefoot. She rode her bike towards the bright light, trying to grab hold of the shining orb. It was spring and the birds were making love. The sun shone so brightly between the shady leaves, and life passed by with each drop of sunlight.

The End

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