The weekend goes by in a blur, I kiss my mother on the cheek before going to school. Buhle and I meet at our usual corner where she screams wanting to see my phone.
“It’s beautiful, we will take loads of pictures today.”
She hands me my phone just before we enter the school grounds.
At least today there’s no assembly. Buhle goes to her boyfriend who is waiting for her at the passage.
“Hey Lwandle.” I look beside me and see Thami with a smile on his face making my heart beat faster than usual.
“Hey.” I wipe my hands on the skirt trying to control my nerves. “I was wondering if you would like to come to my house today?”
To think that I never went with a guy to his house before, not like I had a choice since I was single.
“We will have a picnic and get to know one another since you are my girl now.”
That means he’s my boyfriend. The thought makes me blush.
“I’d love too,” I say smiling.
He flashes me that smile that drives me crazy.
“Good. I’ll pick you up after your last class,” he says before going inside the class.
I took a deep breath before walking into class and made my way to my desk. The whole day I found it difficult to concentrate, wondering what it will be like to be with Thami in a closed space where it will be just the two of us. Just the thought makes me blush.
The bell rings indicating that it’s after school now. I put my books inside my bag trying to make myself look busy as I wait for Thami to show up.
Tell us: What do you think will happen when Lwandle goes to Thami’s house?