Kutlwelo and Benjamin went their separate ways. Benjamin decided to go see his family; he still remembered the house they lived in in the location. He knew that the family had suffered a trauma when he left, and that they were affected emotionally. He didn’t expect a warm welcome, but he believed that he wanted to make things right.
Shock and disbelief flooded over the little community when people saw Benjamin passing by.
When Benjamin reached home, he could not believe his eyes when he learned that his wife had sold the house. The people didn’t know where Betty and the kids had moved to, so Benjamin was once again stranded.
Betty’s children had bought her a home in Sandton. They had left without telling anyone where they were going. Benjamin felt a rush of hopelessness wash over him. He felt suicidal. He didn’t even tell those people what he really wanted.
On his way out, he had a heart attack and suffered a terrible, lonely death. His wife and children didn’t know that their father was back in the location. They had finally made peace with the fact that their father would never come back to them. They lived with it and accepted it.
They never got to see his return.
The End
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