He found his aunt waiting for him in the kitchen preparing breakfast. She baked chocolate muffins which were his favourite.

“Morning Aunty, I know that smell,” he said sniffing the air. “You baked my favourite muffins?”

“How are you my boy? You had a special day yesterday. I didn’t want to ruin it with bread and you’re going to tell me about yesterday,” she smiled.

“Ah, aunt now that’s what we call blackmail; you make my favourite breakfast because you want me to tell you about my date?”

“I didn’t know it was a date, I thought you were out for shopping. It looks like you have a lot to tell me,” she teased with a smiling face.

“No Aunty it was not a date.”

“Then stop worrying and tell me about it.”

His Aunt said he could have his breakfast and later, they could speak. She was not going to church that Sunday so they had all afternoon.

Elihle ate his breakfast. He was smiling thinking about the good time he had with the girl he loves. It was a pity she said she needed him to wait, but she loved him. I can’t wait to call her my girl, he thought to himself. I love that princess.

But what if there was another guy who wanted her and took her away? What would he do then? He had nothing to offer her. His thoughts were making him stress and he didn’t want to ruin his memory. He decided to go see Danger.

He found his mother washing clothes outside. He greeted and asked to see Danger. After a brief chat about his aunt he went inside.

“Wow, I thought we were enemies now boy. Yesterday you didn’t even send me a text. What was wrong with you, too busy to check your man?”

“You are selfish boy, did you check up on me? No, you didn’t. Why am I always the one to check up on you?”

“Don’t be like that boy, you know I always check up on you. Let’s forget about that. Tell me about yesterday? I know you were not around.”

“I was in the house the whole day boy, I was bored.”

“But your aunt told me you were not there when I came looking for you. Why?”

“But Aunty didn’t tell me you came looking for me. I was in town.”

“Got you! It’s because I didn’t see her yesterday that’s why she didn’t tell you anything. What are you hiding? Tell me.”

“You are silly boy, but I was going to tell you about it anyway,”

So Elihle told him everything.

“Wow boy, you’re with rich girls now, you are my man! How did you do it boy? Give me some tips.”

“No boy she’s not that kind of girl, she is an angel that one.”

“Defending her already, it seems like there is still more than what I just heard.”

“Don’t be like that man. I was driving her mother’s car, her mom trusts me. She said she knew I will take care of her daughter.”

“Does this mean she gave you guys permission to date?”

“No boy, she saw me as Nothando’s friend. But I told her how I feel about her, you know man, I loved that girl from the first day I lay my eyes on her. I told you at school and you laughed and ask me who are we to date rich girls.”

“I remember that day. She is gorgeous. I am jealous my man, so you and her are dating now?”

“That’s the problem. The girl told me she really loved me but she is not ready for dating, I must wait for her if I really love her. But why do I have to wait if she really loves me? I want her to be my girl boy.”

“Boy, that girl loves you. It’s hard to admit it but I remember this other day at school, the boys were making us a joke and everyone was laughing at us. But she was looking at you and you couldn’t see her eyes. She was feeling pain for you. But maybe she was afraid to show it, that girl is humble and honest, wait for her boy.”

“Eish boy, but why does she want to give me hard times? I can’t wait to see her at school tomorrow, even though it won’t be easy to spend a little time with her. Her friends, with their bad attitude won’t allow her to spend time with jokes like us.”

“They do not control her boy; she will do what she likes. I do not feel sorry about us and the kind of life we live, it is in our hands to make it different. Trust me; the bigger things are coming for us. Just make sure you don’t loose a girl you love because there are people who are fools and make jokes about us because we don’t come from the rich families.”

“That’s true. It’s good to have a friend like you, you just motivated me. I know the good things are coming for us; we just need to put more effort in our school work. Next year is our last year.”

They both smiled.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you, I also got the invite to the party and it looks like everyone will be there. I mean I heard a lot of people talking about it yesterday.”

“Ah boy, don’t scare me now. You are telling me I will be a joke at the party too? You know what these guys will say if they see me seating next to her?”

“I know, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be happy in your life. Are you going to let other guys seat next to her because of the crazy boys who are looking for attention?”

“No boy, I can’t.”

“Then forget it, we are going there no matter what. I just need to find a date. I heard we are wearing jean to jean, lucky I have something new in my wardrobe; we won’t be jokes that much.”

“Do you know that you are crazy boy?” Elihle said feeling a little better. “I have to go back to my aunt now, I promised to spend the day with her. If you need me you will find me in the house.”

“No I’m going with you. I hope your aunt cooked the beef stew; she makes the best stew ever.”


Tell us: What do you think will happen at the party?