It was early Saturday morning when Elihle was woken up by a knock at the door. When he opened the door he was surprised to see this gorgeous young lady. She was short, dark in complexion and she had big white eyes and black hair. Her soft pink lips told of her 16 years of age; her name was Nothando, a girl from school.

She was the most wanted girl at school and he didn’t know whether to invite her in or not. The girl came from a rich family, what if she made a joke of him at school? He let her in and offered her a sit on the couch. The house was clean; his aunt liked cleaning, she was a hard worker.

“Hi, you looked surprised to see me. Can you stop blushing? Is it because it’s early or you are like this at home because at school everyone talks about you and that crazy friend of yours.”

“Me, blushing? Not in a million years. I am surprised to have a princess visit me. Did you come to see my aunt?”

“Now, you are rushing me with questions, can you relax little boy. I came to see you and your aunt.”

“OK, my aunt is still in bed and she goes to the shower first in the morning before she does anything.”

“Mmm, I can tell by the way her house looks that she is clean, not like you,” she teased.

“Hey, Nothando. Wow what an amazing surprised. Did my boy find a bride? If you came to see me and you are not rushing then can you please wait? I will take a 15 minutes bath while you guys prepare breakfast. Feel at home, I will be back now,” Thembi said.

“You heard what my aunt said, my wife? Feel at home and help me make a breakfast,” he teased.

“Me, your wife? In your dreams,” she smiled.

“Let me show you the way to the kitchen,”

The two made their way to the kitchen. They made eggs and kept teasing each other until Thembi returned to laughter. The food was ready and they sat on the big table like one big family and ate.

After, Elihle cleared the table.

“Aunty, I am sorry I had to come early in the morning. I am having a birthday party next week and I came to invite Elihle to go with me to the party. Everyone will be there. I trust him and my parents trust him too. Mom wants us to go shopping now and she is giving us her credit card. If it’s fine with you to go with Elihle, I will rush back home to prepare then I will wait for him.”

She looked at Elihle and he looked happy.

“If Elihle is fine with that, you can go, as long as you will both behave and no alcohol please. I know it’s a party and you deserve to be happy but no alcohol.”

“That’s what my parents said and there will be security, we won’t do anything stupid,”

It was settled that Elihle was going. Nothando went to get ready and said her goodbyes. Elihle was excited and was looking forward to be with Nothando.

When he got to Nothando’s place, he rang the bell at the gate and the gate they opened for him. They had a beautiful house; he was looking at it like he was in the different world.

“Hey boy, welcome. You can come and sit here. Have you had your breakfast yet? I don’t want you to go on an empty stomach?” Nomvelo, Nothando’s mom asked.

“Thanks Mom, I had a breakfast at home.”

“OK boy, it’s fine, take some fruit to eat in the car. You are the most respectful boy in this community. I like you my boy, I hope you will take good care of my daughter. Do you have a driver’s license? Do you know how to drive? I can lend you guys my car but if you promise to take a good care of it.”

“I don’t have a valid driver’s license yet but I can drive. I have a learner’s license; my uncle taught me how to drive.”

Nomvelo was smiling like a teenager in love.

“I trust you. I know you will take a good care of my daughter and my car.”

Nothando came out wearing a beautiful black and white dress. She looked like a princess; with her beautiful smile and her big white eyes and pink lips.

“Wow, Elihle you are here already. Mom, why didn’t you tell me? You look handsome. I didn’t know you had good taste in fashion,” she teased and smiled.

It looked like they had planned to wear black and white.

“Stop playing with me I have no taste in fashion. You look ravishing. You are such a beautiful princess.”

Nomvelo smiled and gave her daughter a kiss in her forehead. They said their goodbyes and made for the car.


Tell us: Would you trust someone without a license to drive your car?