I want to carry on the reading the rest of the story because it caught my attention. I liked the part of the story where Gugu asked Lerato if she was in love with Andile and she replied that they are just friends. I didn’t like that Lerato took the gifts from Andile even though she said she doesn’t like him – she must be truthful about her feelings.
I liked that the story, it is very interesting, it catches the reader’s attention from the start. The words are simple – there were no bombastic words that cause confusion within the story. I found it very easy to follow and understand.
I liked everything about the story and wish that we could have carried on reading.
The story is nice – I liked everything and I wish that we could have read more than just the first chapter.
The story is very interesting and if I am honest I liked everything about it. I wish I could read the rest of the chapters.
I liked everything about the story but unfortunately it was very short. I wish I could read the rest of the chapters.
I liked the story very much, especially the part where Andile and Lerato were going to the same event. Lerato told Gugu that she didn’t have feelings for Andile, but I think that she is in love with him.
I liked the way that Gugu speaks to Lerato about Andile because we know that Lerato actually loves Andile. I loved everything about this story.
I enjoyed the story – it was very interesting and easy to follow. I liked that you could imagine the story in your mind as you heard it. The characters were very easy to relate to and had identifiable personalities.
I liked the chapter when I started reading it – it was very interesting and it was easy to understand. The words weren’t difficult to understand. I didn’t like that the story just ended because I was still eager to read more.
I thought the first chapter was slightly cheesy but still enjoyable. It was not exactly my cup of tea but I didn’t mind reading it.
I liked that the chapters weren’t too long and that they were easy to read and understand.
I liked everything about the story because I felt like I was part of the story. I could follow it very easily and found it interesting.
I found the way Lerato avoided the conversation with Gugu about Andile very interesting. Gugu thinks that Lerato likes Andile but Lerato denied having feelings for him. I liked that Lerato kept avoiding Gugu’s questions about Andile because that is how, we, the youth do it today are.
It is an interesting story and a good way to get people hooked on the story. I really want to know what happens next.
I found the story very intriguing – there were lots of details about what was happening and the things that were said. It made you feel like you were in the actual room with Gugu and Lerato. I’d definitely like to find out what is going to happen next.
I thought it was a great story, especially the part where Gugu was letting Lerato know that Andile was going to be attending the function. Lerato was acting like she didn’t care, but I think that she actually does and that she likes Andile.
I think that Andile is crazy to buy such expensive gifts for Lerato. He is trying to use his money to buy her love. Lots of men think that if they purchase expensive gifts for women, they will automatically want to be your girlfriend, but that isn’t true. Money can’t buy you love!
I liked this chapter because it was all about things that are very relevant to our generation. I didn’t like that Lerato was trying to hide her feelings for Andile.
I enjoyed the whole story – it was fun and I would love to read the rest of it.
Why is Lerato not just being honest about her feelings for Andile? I think that Lerato’s character isn’t very exciting. Gugu made the story fun and exciting, with her honesty and humour. The story was very passionate and reminded me of one of the soapies that we have on television. I can’t wait to see what happens next. It was very interesting and had me hooked within the first few lines.
I think there is no price on love but Andile only bought Lerato an expensive gift because he likes her.
I felt the chapter was exciting and passionate. The story line reminded me of a television show – the characters were very interesting.
There wasn’t anything that I disliked about this story, except that it was way too short! I think that Lerato likes Philani, even though she says she doesn’t care about him.
I liked the story because I am a fan of drama, in both books and soapies. I liked the interactions between Lerato and Gugu and the way they spoke to one another. I really liked that Lerato pretended that she doesn’t have feelings for Andile, but I think she is into him and so does Gugu!
I liked that Gugu was nice to Lerato and that Lerato was very sweet. I think she is in denial about her feelings for Philani. There wasn’t anything that I didn’t like about this story; I found it to be a very sweet story.
I enjoyed reading the part about the young couple, Lerato was speaking to. It made me think about what love is for a young person. I think that the man is a gentleman towards his partner. I liked that you could tell just how excited they were about being new home owners.
I loved the part where Gugu spoke to Lerato about Andile and how Lerato tried to avoid the subject because she was a bit irritated. But, Gugu realised that there was something that Lerato wasn’t telling her about her feelings for Andile.
I liked the whole story – it was interesting and explained everything. Both Gugu and Lerato have self-confidence and share things with each other like true friends do.
I didn’t like that this was a romantic story – love and romance isn’t for everyone. I liked the dialogue between the characters in the story.
I liked everything about the story, especially the characters. The story was nice and easy to follow. I didn’t like that Lerato accepted the expensive gift from Andile. I don’t think you should take gifts from someone if you’re not interested in dating them.
I liked everything in the story, especially the part where Gugu and Lerato are arguing about whether Lerato has feelings for Andile or not. I thought it was nice that Lerato and Gugu were such good friends; it made the story more interesting.
I didn’t like that Lerato didn’t want to go to the function just because Andile was also going to be there. I think that Lerato should just accept the fact that she does have feelings for Andile.
Well, there was nothing I didn’t like about this story. I liked the characters, especially Gugu and Lerato. Gugu seems like she is full of energy and Lerato is definitely in denial about her feelings for Andile.
I liked how confident Lerato was within herself and about everything she was doing. I also liked that she thought it was important to look good.
I liked Lerato’s attitude and that she was trying to hide her true feelings for Andile. She didn’t care that he bought her an expensive present. I didn’t like that Andile tried to buy Lerato’s love with a Gucci bag.