I liked the way that Gugu was speaking to Lerato very honestly when she said that her and Andile were more than just friends. Andile wouldn’t buy a friend such expensive gifts.
What I liked about this chapter of the story is that Lerato was always excited to write new stories about things that happen around her. She doesn’t care if people thought that becoming a writer would not be a good career because she wouldn’t make any money. She was trying to pursue her dreams because she believed in herself. I also liked how happy and excited Gugu got when she spoke about her job. This shows the reader that she really loves what she is doing and that women can achieve the same dreams as men.
It is very easy to follow and understand the story. It is written well so you can imagine the things happening in the story. There were lots of exciting bits and little bits of drama, which was nice.
I liked this chapter because Lerato always tries to make up stories that are based on people around her.
I liked that there was a moral of the story and the author tried to tell you how to behave to be a good person. Even though Lerato was very angry in this story, she still acted nicely. I also liked the way Gugu acted in the story – I think she is very humble.
I liked everything in the story, besides the fact that Lerato wanted to be given expensive gifts.
I liked that this story wasn’t that boring, it was actually quite enjoyable. It made me want to read more so that I could find out what was going to happen next. I would love to read the rest of the story!
I enjoyed the part in the story where Lerato spoke to Gugu about Andile – she obviously likes him! I didn’t like that Gugu wasn’t supportive of Lerato’s dream to become a writer.
I liked the part in the story where Andile bought Lerato an expensive gift. I didn’t like that Lerato didn’t want to admit that she does have feelings for Andile.
I liked this story because it was very interesting and funny.
I liked the expensive gifts that Andile bought Lerato.
I liked that Lerato is interested in things that she enjoys doing – her dream is to become a writer. I didn’t like that in the story Lerato denies the fact that she is interested in Andile.
I found the story very interesting and exciting. I liked that the story was relatable and reminded me of things that had happened to people I know. This made the story that much more fun to read. I didn’t like that the story ended.
I liked that Andile bought Lerato expensive gifts – I feel that this shows her that he really loves and cares for her. I didn’t like that Gugu thought that Lerato and Andile were more than friends.
I liked the part in the story where Lerato pretended that she didn’t have feelings for Andile.
I liked how the author wrote the story – there were no communication barriers so I could understand it. I didn’t really like the story because I found it quite boring. I also didn’t like the name of the story: Guilty of Love.
I thought this story was very interesting – it made you want to know more about what was going to happen next. I want to know if Gugu is a good friend to Lerato or if she is just pretending. I didn’t like that Gugu was bragging about her life and that she was so full of herself.
I liked the story because it was interesting and I want to know what is going to happen next. I liked Andile because he is rich and I want to be like him one day.
I found the story interesting and fun. It was easy to relate to because most of the things that were happening in the story happen in my life, on a daily basis. I didn’t like that the story was very short – I wanted to hear more!
I liked that Andile was trying so hard to impress Lerato.
I enjoyed the way this story was written. It was easy to follow because the things that happen in the story have also happened in my life. I loved the strong friendship between Lerato and Gugu; they are true best friends. I was upset that the chapter ended because I wanted to hear more.
I found this chapter very interesting – it reminded me of a few friends of mine. It will be exciting to find out what happens to Lerato; since she is stuck between work, the love of two different men and her dream of becoming a writer.
I liked the part in this chapter where Andile bought Lerato a gift. I thought it was interesting that Gugu guessed that there was something more between Andile and Lerato, than just being friends. But, Lerato denied this when Gugu asked Lerato about her feelings for Andile.
I loved everything about the story. It was very interesting and made me want to carry on reading the story, once we had finished the first chapter. I found it enjoyable because it was easy to follow the storyline and understand what was happening, even in the beginning. I am definitely going to go and read the next chapter.
This was such an amazing first chapter – I found it very interesting and exciting! It is so obvious that Lerato is hiding her true feelings for Andile – there is something fishy going on there… I can’t wait to read more!