Arbonia is a neighboring country of Dune, where both James and Justice were born. Its economy was globally competitive until it was sanctioned for political reasons. The country’s currency immediately depreciated. Most companies faced liquidation; investors pulled out their investments to avoid more loss. This meant increased unemployment, and the country faced recession for the first time in history.

Inflation also reached its maximum and poverty was on a rise. The food security started to suffer severely. Some people went to the neighboring countries while others died of starvation. Most Dunian natives went to Arbonia illegally to survive. These are some of the reasons why James and Justice left the country. Though it was difficult for Justice’s family to allow him to leave but eventually he had to, because of the situation.

“James it’s been four hours already, we’ve been driving around in this horrible looking taxi. Despite the beautiful sights, I’m already homesick,” said Justice while looking out the taxi’s window.

“We have no choice. No one wants to leave his motherland the way that we had to, leaving our families behind,” James replied.

“Although you have a point, I can’t get used to the idea. I mean we are going to a place we don’t know, to people that we don’t know. We can’t afford accommodation. And yet here we are.” Justice was frustrated.

“Don’t worry Justice, this country isn’t like ours, here there are plenty of job opportunities and…”

“Attention all passengers!” The driver interrupted as he was stopped the car. “This is where everybody gets off. Welcome to Cantanberg! Good luck!”

As everyone was getting off the taxi there was a guy who was shouting. “Those who don’t have a place lay their heads, come with me!” he repeated over and over again.

James gazed at the guy and said smiling, “Justice there’s help on our way, thank God.”

“You think?” said Justice.

The guy cleared his throat in order to get the attention of everyone else. “Afternoon everyone. I’m the pastor of this township of Cantanberg. I’m here representing my church so I volunteer to give everyone accommodation for ten days. That will be for free. After that period you will be on your own.” He paused for few seconds. Looking at everyone then asked, “Any questions?”

There was absolute silence, as if the listeners didn’t understand his language. He sighed.

“OK,” said the pastor. “I suppose I’m clear. However I just want to make sure you understand. Ladies and gentleman you must find your own place within these ten days, as well as a job. Well, I hope you all got it, because there will be no negotiations! Everyone that needs accommodation can now follow me.”


“Tomorrow is our last night here. We must wake up early so that we can finish up our shack before going to work,” said James.

“Of course yes, that is a very good idea.” Justice said, “I have another suggestion…”

James turned and asked, “What is it?”

“I think we must continue to come to church services. In fact James to be frank the pastor has helped us a lot, so I suggest that we get baptised in order to become official members of the church. So what do you think?” Justice asked

“Good thinking but you must admit it’s quite a long distance coming from our squatter camp. Nevertheless we can make it!” said James.


Tell us: How do you think life will be for James and Justice?