In the afternoon it began raining and so I spent most of my time on the internet. Suddenly it hit me, the name Beelzebub sounded so catchy and zingy and so did Nephilim and Lleh. And so I went on Google and typed: Beelzebub, meaning?

And the search results popped up on the screen. I clicked on one result and an article popped up. After reading it, I stood there like pumpkin waiting to be harvested and I didn’t blink for a minute. I also looked up the meaning of Nephilim and my shock tripled. I also figured out what Lleh actually was. I could feel my heart racing in my chest and my palms heating up. I had goose pimples all over my body.

I went into my room and pulled up a blank sheet of paper and wrote what I discovered:
Beelzebub = prince of devils AKA Satan, Lucifer, et cetera
Nephilim = those who cause others to fall down
Lleh is actually Hell spelt backwards = LLEH HELL

It all made sense now. The Bible does say that Satan disguises himself as a being of light. And somewhere in the book of Revelations there is a metaphoric prophesy about a prostitute who is dressed in scarlet. No wonder everything was red. I was now feeling sick, I began to look for uncle Barry but he was nowhere to be seen. I was so afraid.

It was beginning to get dark. I began to weep bitterly, I sat down and for the first time in three years I actually prayed from deep down in my heart. I re-gave my life to Jesus and prayed for peace and protection. I went to bed to sleep and I had a strange dream. I dreamt of my experience in the astral realm, I saw Beelzebub in his actual form — a dreadful dragon. I entered hell and befriended Satan himself and a fallen angel.

I watched as I walked hand-in-hand with the devil himself and heard the piercing chuckles of demons. I woke up breathing heavily. I sat down on my bed trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together. I then heard a silent growling sound under my bed, I looked down and something scratched my face.

In the morning, I told uncle Barry everything. We drove to the nearest Adventist church and I was prayed for. I was later baptised because I decided to give my life to Christ. Not only was I prayed for, even the flat where I lived was prayed for. I’m just glad it’s all over and that my astral projection endeavours are history.

If you haven’t given your life to Christ, then I think you should. Because the Lord may come at any time and any day and where will you be; with the elect and ready to enter heaven or the ones doomed and ready for hell? It’s your choice to make. I mean do you want to miss out on spending an eternity in heaven? I know you don’t want to. I suggest you pray through Jesus and ask God to forgive you of all your sin. Ask Jesus to come live in you and then, join a bible believing church and try your best not to sin. Tell others about Jesus and you will be on your way to heaven.


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