The Aftermath 

After the confession, on that very same night, Thapelo was taken to the police station, and there he told the whole truth. The police didn’t waste any time they went and arrested Lizwi and Qhawe. 

While they were investigating their belongs the police retrieved a message from Lizwi’s phone, and it read as follows,

Lerato, love of my life. You may not know this, but you and I belong together. I know right now you are confused about your sexuality, but I will wait for you until you have figured yourself out. Know that when you do, I will be right here, waiting with open arms and an open heart. I love you more than anything in this world, more than my mother and my father. And I will do anything for you. I swear if I can’t have you, no one will”.

The Mazulu family didn’t take the news well. Both parents swore on Jesus that their son didn’t do what he was accused of. Mrs Mazulu went as far as claiming that she would sue the police station, get those who arrested her child fired or burn the station down. 

However, Lizwi just shouted angrily and said to his mother, “Mom I did it for fucks sake! let me pay for my sin.” Well, on the other hand, Qhawe was unbothered. His attitude gave, ‘I did what I did, and I’m not sorry for it.”

Finally, my friend will rest in peace knowing that the people who murdered her were found. I did it. I found the truth before she was put to her final resting place. It was a bittersweet moment. I felt sad yet happy at the same time. 

Saturday, 23rd  of April, was the day when we laid my friend to rest. My heart was heavy I didn’t want to go to the cemetery. I couldn’t bring myself to say goodbye to Lerato for good. 

I remember when I woke that morning, I found myself on my knees praying and crying to the Lord, asking, “why Lerato?” Because she was the gentlest soul, why didn’t he stop them? She didn’t deserve to die like that. 

In my heart of hearts, I knew that life would never be the same without her. If the ones that claim they love you are the ones who harm you, and the ones who claim to protect you let harm happen to you. Who do you turn to? Is there even a God watching? Those were questions I asked myself. 

I then spoke to God, “Lord, I hope you see what your so-called children have turned into, monsters, and how they have ruined your kingdom. I hope we were worth the seven days.”

The End.