“In the first book of the bible, Genesis, we are introduced to how God created the heavens, earth, nature and animals within seven days. God further created humans in his image and according to his likeness from dust. He then gave humans the power to rule over creation. As we all know with great power comes great responsibility; however humans failed at this; in fact humans abused that power. We see it on the news and we hear about it on the radio, on how humans are destroying that creation, that they have been given power over. We are facing different kinds of pollution, from air pollution, to land and water pollution. We also have climate change and global warming which endanger the livelihoods of different species that live on planet earth, all because of humans.

And then there is this one extremely endangered species that was created from the rib of a man – maybe that is the reason why they believe they own it-. It has the ability to form and carry life for nine months in its womb, and deliver life on earth. This endangered species’ soul duty is to love, nurture and raise this creation of life. A very similar kind of man comes from this species, yet they abuse, sexually assault, rape and kill as if those that carry and deliver life are not worthy of life. According to statistics, in South Africa one of these species is killed every three hours. The endangered species I am talking about is WOMAN”.