“Samson, let’s say we grab a few drinks,” Jackie said after work.

“Eish Jackie, no alcohol for me today. I never got paid this kind of money since I started this job and so I want to surprise my wife.”

“Come on, man, don’t ruin the vibe. I’m your hero, remember. I helped you find it and so you got to thank me by at least buying us a booze.”

Samson looked at Jackie and said, “Imagine how it feels like moving from a manager and ending up a bricklayer.”

“I really feel offended, Samson; I love my job. I can’t imagine the torture of sitting in an office all day without seeing the sun, but I know you’re just trying to get off my request.”

“Okay. Yes, you helped me, but you’re also the one who brought me to the tavern and for the first time in my life, I feel like a slave to alcohol. I can’t let go of it. My family crumbles before my eyes, I can’t let go. I know very well the main cause of everything but still I can’t let go. Every time I imagine a bottle it’s like the first time I’m drinking. I just don’t get it, what’s wrong with me? Which different action holds the correct path to follow?” said Samson.

“You really sound like a teenager. My uncle always said there’s always someone with bigger problems than you, so don’t try to solve life on your own because you’ll surely fail.”

“This isn’t about life, brother-in-law, it’s about me and my marriage.”

“Then let the problems solve themselves. You see, my man, in life we’re in a bus touring through our lives as we speak, don’t ask questions or else you won’t enjoy the ride,” Jackie said, smiling.

“Don’t you face any devastating problems with my sister?”

“If you come with me to Sis Bee’s, I’ll tell you.”

“I’m going home, Jackie,” Samson said and went the opposite direction.

“But it’s just one block away.”

“No! I’m going home!” he yelled from a distance.

“Okay, let’s say I pay for the first round!”

“Not convinced!”

“What about two! The whole night!” Jackie yelled. “Okay, the whole night!”

“What!?” Samson asked in shock.

“You heard me, I’ll pay for the whole night.”

“I like that!” Samson said laughing.

He turned back to Jackie and off they went.

For three hours they chilled at the tavern. The music rolled into their ears, and along with it the noise of singing flies by the people who made them forget about the outside doors and windows.

“Hey Samson, what’s Durban like?” Jackie asked.

Samson didn’t mind him as he occupied himself with scratching the table using his nail while gazing at the disco light illusions.



“What’s Durban like? The sound of waves and the wet sand all over your feet?” asked Jackie.


“Yah, what’s with you today? Dreaming during the day?”

“Mxm eish! I’m just thinking about someone. I’ve got a lot on my mind, let’s go, I want talk to Angel. I’m thinking of going home tomorrow.”

“If the lord agrees, don’t you know that you’re supposed to say ‘if the lord agrees it’ll happen because only he knows the future’?”


Tell us: Why do you think Samson is going back home?