For the past 7 years, after seeing how bad the spell David cast upon Nothando affected her. David tried by all means to replace everything it kept taking away from her. Lucky Nothando, despite having the cursed above her she managed to finish her matric earning herself a Diploma, but everyone was shocked except David considering how of genius she was in school before they moved to Durban. David tried everything in his power to protect Nothando from suffering, he bought him everything she ever asked for. When she turned twenty one he bought her a house one hour away from where they live, he also got her a driver’s license and a car. He even went as far as trying to hook up Nothando with some boys from his work but he failed, Nothando wasn’t interested in all of that. But that wasn’t the end of it, all those things he did for Nothando didn’t quite seat well with Vuyisile, he did everything for Nothando but Vuyisile and Zethu worked for everything they wanted and whenever they asked David for something he’d complain before doing it for them.
David went silent in front of everyone at the dinner table. Vuyisile delivered a fatal blow at him as she explained that her boyfriend Joseph planned to have his uncle come over to propose for Lobola.
“David, say something.” Thandeka said.
David took a deep breath and exhaled with an expression of exhaustion.
“It’s against tradition for a second born to get married before the first born, if so it’s like the second born takes the position of the first born, and all of the first born must follow on the footsteps of the second born. which is an informal way of living.”
“Dad why do you love Nothando more than us? I mean you keep doing everything for her while you do nothing for us. Why want to take responsibility for her misfortunes and fall outs, do you love her so much more than us? Because it’s clear that you do.”
“Zethu, you the last person I ever thought I’ll hear such words coming from. You’ve lost respect for me, you think you’re a man now? Don’t let being a standard ten student make you lose the respect you have for your father!”
“Then be her husband because I’m getting married no matter what!” Vuyisile said standing up to leave.
“If you leave, never come back to my house, ever again.” David said.
“David do you even think about what you say?” Thandeka said.
Vuyisile sat down, not because she couldn’t leave. It’s because of the love and respect she has for her father, it always took the best of her when it came to her parents. Also, Joseph told her that he regrets all day having his father die while they didn’t quite get along so well. It resulted in him having bad luck after his father died without haven’t forgiven each other.
“Marriage isn’t simple, we need as much love and guidance our parents can give us to have a happy one.”
“It’s either Joseph marries both Vuyisile and Nothando or else no wedding at all for Vuyisile. It’s the only way out of it.” he shot everyone with shock.
“What!?” they all said.
Vuyisile stood up and cried to her room and Zethu followed to comfort her.
“David what’s that you’ve just said? don’t you have any feelings as a father for Vuyisile? How can you ruin such happiness for her?”
“Do you have a better solution?”
“I can’t believe you.” Thandeka said and stood up going outside.
They left him alone in the table, he brushed his face and put his head on the table while he tapped his legs on the ground.
Thandeka stood outside looked up to the moon. She tried to call Nothando but she didn’t answer her calls, Zethu came out and stood a distance away from her.
“Vuyisile won’t stop crying.”
“I don’t blame her Zethu.”
“Do you think she’ll ever come back? Nothando?”
“I don’t know, I tried multiple times to call her but she’s not picking up my calls. Go and keep an eye on Vuyisile, I don’t want her harming herself.”
Nothando walked her way to her house, on the way she saw a cat getting attacked by a group of other cats. It then ran and hid under a bench which then she went and sat on. She reached down and looked at it,
“Are you hurt?” she asked and it move back a little.
“You see friend, it’s not easy to seek acceptance from others. it’s either you end up hurt or you hurt them unwillingly. But when you haven’t experienced that, rejection from others feels like the end of the world. I understand stand it now, it’s useless to cause an unnecessary drama, it’s better to go to those who try to care for you, come!”
The cat walked slowly to her, and she picked it up. It sustained an injury on its ear, and then licked her hands. She brushed it and got up headed to her house, the one which David bought her.
She got in and put the cat down. She unpacked her bag and ran across her love diary. She took it and sat down and paged in a little.
“The love that never loved us, I said. I’ve done many bad things, for which one of them have I benefited? None, except taking a little girl’s life.” she talked to herself.
She picked up her phone and made a call.
“Pinetown police station how may I help you?”
“I’d like to make a confession.” she said.
Nothando confessed her crimes to the police, and they wanted to come to her but she said,
“I’ll bring myself.” and there after she went.