When Thami and Nothando arrived at school, everyone’s shoes were tapping rain drops. Students were running around, talking with friends and laughing together. Some were discussing the big dreams they would fulfil in decades, and the teachers were running after their assignments to get written. Some of the students were fighting over boyfriends and girlfriends, while the special students were analysing life as philosophers.

Thami led Nothando to the principal’s office. He couldn’t wait to tell his buddies about her, so he rushed to his class to tell them the good news.

“Hey guys, guess what?” Thami said as soon as he got to class. “We’ve got a new girl in school.”

“Hawu, that’s interesting man! Tell me, is she gorgeous?” Clement asked.

“As if you’re handsome,” Samson joked.

“You all know that I take the handsome spot in our school, Samson,” Clement responded. “So don’t be jealous of me.”

“Listen guys,” Thami said, ignoring his friend’s banter. “I’m thinking of introducing her to our crew, but I wanted to ask you guys first.”

“If it’s a girl, that’s for Lulu to decide,” Samson said. “But even so, we need to see her first. Which class is she in?”

“I don’t know, I left her in the principal’s office. But I’ll look for her during break time,” Thami said.

“Okay, we’ll go chat with Lulu later,” Samson said.


In Standard seven B, Lulu was seating alone, busy with her Mathematics project. Ma’am Ngcobo came in with Nothando.

“Class, I brought a new learner who will be joining us for the rest of the year,” Ma’am Ngcobo said. “Lulu, can you please give her your chair and go find yourself another one.”

“Sorry ma’am?” Lulu said, sounding startled.

“You heard me well,” ma’am Ngcobo said. “Aren’t you the class monitor?”

“I am,” Lulu said, accepting the responsibility. She then stood up, put her bag on the table, and went out.

“Hurry up because we won’t wait for you!” ma’am Ngcobo said. “Nothando, go sit down.”

Nothando went and sat down feeling uncomfortable about what had just happened.


Later that day, the bell rang for break time and everyone ran outside. Nothando remained seated with Lulu. “I’m sorry about what happened earlier,” Nothando apologised. “I don’t like people getting burdened because of me.”

“It’s okay,” Lulu said. “It’s my responsibility as the class monitor to make sure that everyone has everything they need.”

After a while, Thami came in with Samson and Clement. He got surprised to find Lulu and Nothando sitting together. “Hey ladies, looks like I’m too late to introduce you to each other,” he said.

“You know each other?” Lulu asked.

“Yes, we’re neighbours. Nothando, meet Samson and Clement,” they greeted each other. “And Lulu, even though you’ve already met.” He paused for a while. “So Lulu, I wanted to ask you if we could let Nothando join the crew. I think it’s a chance for us to build up. So, what do you think?”

Lulu kept quite in thought.

“Don’t shut down such a beauty, Lulu,” Clement said, leading Nothando to smile.

“We all know that you always let us down every time its work related, Clement,” Lulu said. “So why don’t you keep quite before she replaces you.”

“We also know that nobody has the right to replace me, since I’m the one who started this group,” Clement responded.

“Whatever,” Lulu said. “It’s okay guys, she can join us.”

“Nothando, what do you say?” Thami asked.

“Yes, I want to be friends with you.”

“But know that we’re all about studying and helping each other with school work,” Samson said. “We believe that when great minds meet, success becomes one hundred and ten percent possible.”

“I’m in,” Nothando said.

“Well then, welcome aboard Nothando,” Thami said.


Tell us: Now that Nothando made new friends, do you think the spell her father put on her will ever work, or if it was just fake?