Ominous silence overwhelmed Luxury City. A thick fog stretched from Ngonyama’s Crag, situated in the Ngonyama-Segment, to the coastal Nyathi Segment. The piercing silence in Ngonyama’s Crag had just been born, shortly after two men stood at the summit of the steep crag which overlooked the Ngonyama-Segment. One was covered with a light blue coat woven of heavy cotton and stark white boots. He stood on an elevated rock which made him the tallest. The other man wore an unbuttoned purple cardigan, a gold round-neck shirt and dark denims. He stood at an angle next to the elevated man.
“Oh Divine Entity, permit me to use the Divine Sight. I want to summon the unsettled one” the elevated one shouted with his clear and deep voice through the thick fog and into the starry night. A glimmering small ball of light flew towards him from the heavens. It shot down to the earth and engulfed the elevated man.
The light illuminated and thawed the wintry night as it circled around the beckoner, who closed his eyes tightly. The light enlightened his mind and warmed his heart as he grinned at the wonderful feeling. The speed of the circles began slowing as the light seeped inside the man until it disappeared inside him.
He exhaled and opened his eyes, which had altered their original amber iris into a glistening gold. He smiled as he saw the large number of unsettled souls which looked at him from below.
“Great turn-out this month!” he grinned as he looked at the man next to him. “Oh I wish you could see them, Mandla” he said with a smile.
“I can. I always have,” Mandla grinned as he took a step forward. “We’ll talk about it when you’re done. For now, you should shepherd them to Heaven.”
“I am Lukhanyiso. I am here to shepherd you closer to your destination, to connect you to your loved ones, so that you can communicate and tell them that one message that did not allow you to cross over.” He lifted his hands up. “A new life will begin now. You will leave earth and all its troubles and journey to your new destined life.” He kept quiet and took a deep breath. “However, there is a possibility of some of you making your way to perdition. If you feel as if you will be descending after you have delivered your message, you may leave… I do not wish any one of you eternal damnation.”
An uproar of murmurs erupted from below as a quarter of them disappeared. The fog started to lift. Lukhanyiso looked at his watch and waited until a minute had passed.
“Great. I will now begin. I need you to elevate from the ground so that I can convert your physical appearance into a ball of light. You are able to do it, just believe you can.”
It took about two minutes for all of them to hover as they elevated five meters from the ground. “There is power in belief!” Lukhanyiso shouted as he altered the hovering bodies into balls of light.
He closed his eyes and exhaled as he brought his arms upward and clenched his fists firmly. He then opened his eyes to one gigantic ball of light with black patches, hovering right above him.
From afar, through the mist, Mandlenkosi spotted two dark cyclones flying towards the scene. They emerged from Mount-Myezweni and made their way to the city.
“Eish, they are at it again!” he exclaimed with his rough, husky voice as he unbuttoned his cardigan and raised up the sleeves. “I’ll have to finish those two witches! You finish with your work and meet me there when you’re done.” He winked before running down the crag at lightning speed – a purple dash disappeared into the fog within a second.
Lukhanyiso maintained his calm and closed his eyes as he listened to the giant light above him. While he closed his eyes, he heard a zoom followed by the sound of a gust of wind. He knew who it was.
“I love you” Mandlenkosi said with a smile as he disappeared into the fog faster than the speed of light.
Lukhanyiso snickered and continued with his important work. Within five minutes, he had found every location he’d need to transport the unsettled souls into. He didn’t find his father though; he was not an unsettled soul… Could he have died and passed over? he thought before calming down and continuing with his job. Hanging around his neck was a platinum chain with a purple stone, which flared bright just before Lukhanyiso delivered every unsettled soul back to their homes. “Farewell” he said before releasing his intertwined fingers.
The gigantic ball of light exploded into numerous small balls which shot up to the sky and descended into various homes in Luxury City. It looked like a meteor shower, as white and black balls descended from the heavens into several houses. Lukhanyiso stood still as he brought his hands together while closing his eyes. After a few minutes; the white balls began zapping into the sky. However, the black balls whizzed towards Mount-Myezweni as they disappeared beyond the beautiful island.
Tranquillity overwhelmed him as the divine light seeped out of him and shot up to the starry sky. Having accomplished another mega-pass-over; as he called it, he rejoiced as he exhaled and smiled.
Intense explosions went off in Mount Myezweni before Lukhanyiso had reached the bottom and drove off to the pier. In the car he panicked as he began worrying, despite being aware of the enormous power and several abilities Mandla possessed. “Please… please don’t die, Mandlenkosi!” he whispered as he got out of his car and jumped onto a jet-ski that was standing at the pier.
Tell us: What do you think will happen next?