Hidden away from civilisation, Luxury City hummed to life as the citizens worked and continued with their lives. The sky was beautiful as the sun warmed the beautiful distinct city. The summer holidays had already arrived and schools were closed for the year, but Luxury University, situated in the Ndlovu-Segment, was still open.
Next to the auditorium was a building used for the exams. None of the other students were finished writing when one man stood up and walked up to the invigilator to hand in his paper. He was tall with slender limbs. A regular groomer it seemed; his facial hair was trimmed, revealing his striking linear facial features. On his head rested a crown of hair which was curly and long as his afro glimmered with sheen. He wore a navy polo neck and dark denims with black boots.
He exited the venue swiftly, after picking up a satchel from the invigilators. He carried it on his shoulders and walked to the bus stop with his head held high. Along the way he met several students, but knew none of them. He reached the bus stop and sat next to a beautiful young woman with big brown eyes, in a green sleeveless dress. Her ears were pierced several times. She narrowed her eyes, “Lukhanyiso…” she whispered, “Lukhanyiso Ngonyama?”
Lukhanyiso looked toward the voice and saw a familiar face. “Nobuhle!” he said as he gave her a smile.
“What happened kuwe? I last saw you eMgidini wakho (at your initiation ceremony), after that… nothing? Where did you disappear to?” she asked with a smile.
“Stuff came up,” he said trying to change the topic. “I didn’t know you were here, what’re you studying? No wait… you’re doing Law, right?”
“Ewe! And you must be doing medicine, right?” she asked with a smile.
“Yes.” He saw his bus coming. “It was nice seeing you again.” He smiled at his Grade 12 classmate and disappeared into the bus.
As soon as he walked into the bus, a laser light surveyed his eyes and identified the citizen. “Ngonyama-Segment, 15th stop,” the device confirmed, after it deducted R11 from his Luxurious account. He received a ticket and found an empty seat next to the window.
He watched through the window as the girl took out a notepad from her bag and wrote her number swiftly, before jolting up and rolling the piece of paper into a ball. She threw it into an opened window and waved goodbye to him, motioning Lukhanyiso to call her. She winked at him, causing him to raise an eyebrow as he sat down. She noticed this and it made her feel both furious and embarrassed as the bus drove off.
The bus entered the Ingwe-Segment before proceeding into the Ngonyama-Segment. He jumped off at his stop and practically ran home with a huge grin on his face. He took out the keys and opened the door. “Are you here?” he shouted inside the house as he closed the door behind him… No answer. He took out his phone and stood in front of the window. A nostalgic feeling erupted inside as he tried to recall a familiar incident but couldn’t remember it.
“Wake up Lux-Phone,” he said to his phone as he placed it in front of him. “Call Zolani Donald Akhona.”
“Calling….” the phone replied with a masculine voice as it followed the given instructions.
He placed the phone to his left ear but the other side didn’t pick up… He called again and again and again… He ended up leaving six missed calls. He threw the phone on the couch next to the door and began stressing. “Where’s Mandla?” he whispered as he paced up and down. “He couldn’t have left me too…”
After five minutes a car parked inside the yard, the driver stepped out and walked to the stoep alone… Lukhanyiso began trembling as his breathing went berserk. “He left me… Mandlenkosi left me?” he whispered as he stood still, waiting for Zolani to deliver a message that would shatter his shrivelled soul. Zolani knocked for a while until he opened the door.
A short man with a light complexion walked in and jerked as he saw Lukhanyiso standing there. “Lukha, I’ve been knocking forever. UMandlenkosi ulele, help me pick him up. That guy is too heavy” he said with a rough husky voice, as he noticed Lukhanyiso’s trembling.
Relief exploded in his heart and he ran out and opened the back door of the car. Mandlenkosi lay silently as he slumbered peacefully.
“We searched for an eternity but couldn’t find his guy, but we’ll do this again next week” Zolani said from behind Lukhanyiso. “Hey… what happened? When I walked in… it looked like you were having one of your episodes. Should I call the doctor for you?”
“No…” he whispered, “I’m okay if he’s with me,” he said as he carried a very heavy Mandlenkosi.
“Whoa!” Zolani exclaimed. “For a thin guy, you sure can lift up heavy objects. Well then… if you say you’re cool then I’m also cool.” He smiled at him as he followed him into the house. “Hey Lukhanyiso…” he said as he stood next to Lukhanyiso, who stared, smiling, at the sleeping man.
“What’s up, brother?” Lukhanyiso asked.
Something pained Zolani as he looked down and closed his eyes. “Nothing. Bye…” he whispered before walking out and speeding off.
Lukhanyiso raised an eyebrow and closed the door after Zolani left. He took the remote and placed Mandlenkosi’s head on his lap as he checked the weather. He saw it… on the synoptic weather map of Luxury City were three lines on Ngonyama-Segment. Mist. He smiled and truly felt nostalgic.
Hours passed and Lukhanyiso changed the channel to a romantic comedy movie he liked. After two hours of sheer romance, the movie ended and Lukhanyiso realised his jeans were wet, right below were Mandlenkosi rested his head.
“Mandla, are you awake?”
Mandla nodded in response as he lifted his head. He had bushy eyebrows and striking grey eyes, his ebony skin was lighter and shimmered, his cheek bone was visible as it highlighted his muscular face, and he was crying. “I want to get married too. I want to spend the rest of my life with you,” he sobbed at the romantic movie he had just watched.
Lukhanyiso chuckled… then looked down quickly as sadness crept in. “I’d love to get married to you… but first I need my father’s permission to marry you” he said with a reassuring smile. “If only I could find him…” he smiled as an idea crept in. “Baby, get ready, we’re going to see unsettled souls… hopefully we’ll find my father on that side.”
Tell us: Do you think Lukhanyiso will find his father on the other side? And what will his father say?