He kept on proliferating his message to others, his mind constantly pushing him to do so. One day he shouted: “Do not feel down when others are seriously discussing your life. Be yourself, and try not to please anybody with a fake smile. If they are laughing at you, let them laugh, for they have nothing else to do for themselves.

“Today I would like to ask a question of those who are heartless. I speak to those who are always laughing at other people’s troubles, those who are good at building strong relationships with other people’s names, those who do not have responsibilities, those who enjoy seeing other people’s lives falling apart, those who like seeing somebody’s child going to school wearing no shoes in winter…Why are you so evil? Have you noticed that you are probably the reason somebody is doubting their ability to improve? You are someone’s barrier, keeping them from moving forward in life.

“Can you see the point I’m trying to make here? Instead of laughing when somebody is dying of hunger, why not help them? Instead of laughing at somebody who lives in a shark house, why not take them into your beautiful home? Why not help the poor instead of discussing their family issues?

“After pondering all these questions, you should change your evil ways. Do not organize a meeting about somebody else’s issues without their consent or having them present, for if they are not there they cannot defend themselves against your words.

“If you did not clearly understand English when you were in school, but you do understand it now at work, be grateful. You now have a practical skill that will benefit you. Remember, practical skills will always benefit you much more than theoretical ideas.

“So if others are laughing about how stupid you were at school and how bad you were failing languages, let them laugh. You should begin enjoying your new life. People will always say this and that about you, but never give them your full attention. If you do, your days of excellent health may reach their end because of the heartache their words will cause you.

“They may discuss your life but they cannot control it. You know that a car cannot be driven by a piece of paper or a hasty tongue, and neither can your life be driven by those around you. Believe me on this one my dear friend, it will not even move. That is what they are busy doing, trying to drive your life with their tongues.

“If you have been discouraged from doing the best you can, if you no longer listen to what your heart tells your mind to pursue, then consider yourself dead as a doornail. People will always discuss your life and giggle when they see you. In a way, this is necessary in order to recognize yourself as a living being, acknowledged by others.

“Do not ever build a relationship or a friendship with those who are immature. You can distinguish the kind of people you should want in your life from those you shouldn’t by looking at their reactions toward other people.

“I remember the other day when I was on my way to my friend’s place. I passed by an unknown street where I was gawked at like never before. A group of people sitting in front of their house looked at me as if I were from another planet, laughing at me heartily. They were just sitting beside the wall of the building giggling.

“Guess what, I also decided to laugh at them. Why? Because they were like unskilled soccer players with no understanding of what to do on a field. They had no purpose. Leave those back stabbers of yours behind to do what they do best, and keep on leading by example. Even though they are a threat toward your life, just teach them the good habits you live by. Be the one who represents your heavenly father God, knowing that your presence in this moment is defined by Him.

“Those who do not believe in your life pursuits, they are temporarily mentally retarded. Just stay put, they will find a cure soon. When you see a group of people under a tree, beside a wall or taking a hike while having some dirty conversation about you, never let their will live. Instead, destroy their bad intentions with the word “prayer”.

“Most people live to be other people’s problems. Whenever you see somebody becoming a destructive force, attempting to thwart your goals, just sit down, relax your mind and say ‘I do not care how many bullets you are willing to end my life with, I am only concerned with how many times I will be able to stand up while you are busy firing.’ Time will never wait for you to catch up, especially if you lose time interfering in other people’s lives.”

David left them with a final message saying, “If you really want to live a peaceful life, just stop any conversations having anything to do with somebody else’s life. Focus on your life. Know where you are heading.”


It is possible to begin with something small, and end up with something enormous.