Then I had a great idea. The remote-like device took us way back in time. I knew that from the English everyone was speaking, it had a medieval zing to it. Thanks to Mia, Queen Ruana thought we were witches and that there was a third invisible sister among us. So all I had to do was get close enough to her and take a picture of her using my smartphone and when the camera does its flashing thing I then say, “Ah ha! I have stolen your soul. And I have it here with me in my soul keeping vessel. Leave now and never return or you’ll face the consequences. If not, our invisible sister will haunt for the rest of your days!” and then I do the evil laugh. I laughed at the thought of it.

I shared my epiphany with my fellow resisters and there was loud cheering. We then took a group photo. It was kind of difficult explaining this to them they didn’t understand how a smartphone worked. After that we all took some needed sleep.

The next morning there was loads of training. After Mia was done prepping and priming herself she walked to me to watch what was happening.

“I didn’t know you were so smart to craft up such a brilliant plan,” she said.

“Mia, there is so much you don’t know about me,” I joked and we all laughed, “Well it was all your idea when you lied to Queen Ruana about us being witches. You inspired my idea,” I added.

“Wow, in that case we are so smart,” she replied, we laughed and had a group hugged. Finally, the moment we were all waiting for came. My adrenaline was seething in my veins. We all stealthily walked to our specific hideouts and waited for the queen to fall asleep. When she was Dario, Mia and I climbed the castle up to her room and quietly crept into her room.

Dario then turned his face to the ground and yelled, “Attack!” and all the members of the Resistance filled up the castle’s premises both inside and out. I then seized my moment; I jumped on Queen Ruana whilst she was on her bed, and shone my phone torch on her face.

“Who are you!” she screamed on top of her lungs,

“Your worst nightmare!” I replied, pushing my eyes and opening my mouth widely.

“I am a witch, remember me? Yesterday you wanted my sister and I to die but using our magic we survived,” I then took a photo of her and showed it to her, “Look, I have your soul in my soul keeping vessel. And I will torment it day and night if you don’t leave this place. So, leave now and go back to wherever you came from,” I said.

Only half awake, Queen Ruana screamed and ran for her life. She carried all of her people with her. We managed to drive her out; the battle was so intense we fought till dawn. When it was finally day, the real owners of Crop-top Island had their home back. They called it Cropish.

Dario then walked up to the throne room and to my shock he was actually the king of Crop-top Island. He was re-crowned king. Mia and I were dubbed as honorary Cropish citizens.

“And you can come back here any time,” Dario said.

“Thank you your majesty. It was a huge honour to serve by your side,” we replied.

Suddenly there was a funny smell and Mia passed out before I could panic, I passed out too.

I opened my eyes and everything was normal. We were both holding half-finished packets of Crisps and Mia was reaching out to the drawer just as before.

Whatever took us to King Dario’s island wasn’t there anymore. I couldn’t help but feel good about myself. Mia asked me why I was smiling to myself.

“Nothing,” I replied, “Nothing at all,” and we carried on with our manicures. I felt happy for my best friend and helped save an entire civilisation.


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