When Lunga got back he told Amzo’s uncle what he noticed because it was bothering him. Siphiwo then decided to go and check on her sister again while Lunga was trying to get hold of Amzo on the phone.

Then Lunga heard a piercing cry from inside the house. It was Siphiwo. Lunga was so shocked when he heard the cry from Amzo’s uncle. He ran to the house. When he entered the house he found Siphiwo sitting down besides the bed, crying.

“You killed my sister! And you were trying to dispose of the body so that you will get away with murder!” he shouted as he got up and went for Lunga. He started beating Lunga up. The neighbours heard and came and stopped him and called the police. Lunga got an opportunity to flee and he ran away. The cops arrived and the mortuary people arrived and took the body.

Later that night, while the street committee went all out in search of Lunga, helping the police, Amzo came home. He couldn’t even walk. He was carried by his other friends whom he was drinking with. He saw people and police in the house. When he asked what was going on, people could see that he was too drunk. He started to cause a scene and the police decided to let him spend a night in jail. Because of shock and hurt, Siphiwo was spent his night in hospital because off high blood pressure.

The post-mortem revealed that Mangi, Amzo’s mom, died of a stroke.

After a month of what would be called the most hectic tragedy for the Minyani Family, they went to the Nkonte family to apologise. They went to Lunga’s family to ask for forgiveness for accusing their son of killing Mangi. The Nkontes were a Christian family and they welcomed them with the warm and open arms. They accepted the apology as it was proved that Mangi was not killed but she died of a stroke. But Amzo believed that he was the one who killed his mother.

Two weeks after the apology, Siphiwo decided to take Amzo to live with them in Cape Town. For the two years that Amzo was in Cape Town, he couldn’t find a job. He wasn’t going to school either and so he started getting involved in gangs.

He soon got deep into his gang. They stole cars, did house break-ins in the townships and partied every weekend. To him, this was the most wonderful life ever. He got things easy and they went to his party. One day at a party he met the most beautiful lady. He noticed her when he arrived and he never stopped admiring her all day. He decided to go to have a chat with her.

He name was Abongile. He used his charm and he used everything up his sleeves to get her. Amzo lied to Abongile and told her that he worked as a security supervisor. She didn’t believe him.

“If you’re still doing the job you’re doing, you will die.” Abongile told Amzo.

He was shocked when he heard her talking like that.

“What are you talking about?” he asked.

“You know exactly what I am talking about,” she told him. And she told him that she knew that they were feared all over. She also told him that everybody knew they loved parties and that the party was set as a trap.

Amzo ignore the words that Abongile said to him. It was time for their job and he had to leave the party. They went for their “night shift” job. This time they went big; they stole three brand knew cars that were there at the party and they managed to get away.


Tell us what you think: What do you think will happen to Amzo if he continues with this life?