A month later, Jaden was busy writing his final exams and Tshego was writing her last paper. He decided to fetch her at school and saw her with her friend Kabelo.

“Sho’ boy,” Jaden greeted and Kabelo greeted back. “Babe, I was on my way to fetch you. Let’s go.”

Tshego said her goodbyes to Kabelo and she walked on with Jaden.

“Babe, what were you doing with KB?” Jaden asked. He hadn’t liked that Kabelo had called Tshego “sweetie” when they said goodbye.

“He invited me to his birthday party on the 3rd of December.”

Jaden wasn’t even listening, he just nodded. He walked her home, chatted about how the paper was. When they reached their separation point, they kissed and Jaden went home.

An hour later Neo, Tshego’s friend invited Jaden on Facebook. She started chatting with him, busy questioning him about why he choose Tshego over so many girls who are crazy about him. Jaden answered Neo by just saying: she’s different.” After he sent that, he logged off.

Neo was so jealous about Jaden and Tshego’s relationship. She only wanted to see herself in Jaden’s arms. She then decided to call Kabelo.

“Hey, KB,” she greeted. “Look, KB, I know I’m not your favourite person but I need you to hear me out please.

KB and Neo had beef because Neo was in love with Jaden while KB could not stand him.

“OK cool. You have 2 minutes to say what you want to say.”

“OK look, I know you’re throwing a party on the 3rd, so I have a plan.”

“OK, shoot.”

“Since you don’t like Jaden, I think we should finish with him.” Neo said.

“That’s my girl, so what do we do?”

Neo explained how they will make Jaden forget about Tshego. KB was excited because he wanted to date Tshego. The real plan was to kill Tshego, but KB did not know that.

Time passed. It was now the day before the party and Jaden and Tshego were planning their holiday trip to Cape Town.

“Baby, I’m so excited that we’re going to spend our holidays together,” Tshego said.

“I’m excited too, babe.” He said, trying to sound excited.

Tshego was planning for KB’s party but Jaden was not happy about her going to the party. It was the day of the party and Jaden was helping Tshego choose an outfit.

“Babe, which dress?”

“Wear the bubble dress with those pumps of yours,” Jaden said.

“Nice taste, you are coming mos babe?”

“I’m not invited, remember?”

“He won’t mind,” Tshego said pouting. Jaden kissed her on the forehead.

“I’ll come fetch you at 6 p.m.” he said and left.

Later that day, Neo poisoned Tshego’s drink and then gave it to her.

“Thanks friend,” Tshego said taking a sip, then drank the whole glass. She became dizzy and suddenly collapsed.

“OMG! My friend, wake up!” Neo shouted for helped.

When Jaden entered, he saw a group of people busy shouting at Tshego to wake up, he rushed to her.

“What’s going on?” Jaden asked around, shouting.

“Call the ambulance,” people were screaming.

Jaden then quickly took his phone from his pocket then called the ambulance. When the ambulance came they asked Jaden to go with them to the hospital.

“What did you do Neo?” Kabelo confronted her.

“I don’t know what’s got into me. It’s just that I’m so into Jaden. I hated seeing him with her.”

“Yoh, I haven’t met someone as dumb girl as you. Keep in mind sweety, you are going to jail.”


Jaden was sitting on the bench, waiting for a doctor to come and he called Tshego’s mother.

“Mam, please come to the hospital, it’s Tshego.”

The doctor came and called Jaden. He told Jaden that Tshego didn’t make it. Jaden cried his lungs out. A minute later Tshego’s mom entered and found Jaden crying.

“Hey boy, why are you crying?”

“Tsh…Tshego… Is no longer here with us…”


The doctors came trying to calm Tehego’s mom down. Lerato blamed Jaden for Tshego’s death. The doctors explained that she was poisoned.

A few weeks later Jaden’s dad investigated Tshego’s death. His suspect was KB. KB was taken to the police station for questioning. KB told Jaden’s dad the whole truth.

Neo was arrested and Jaden spent his December holidays hurt and lonely.


Tell us: Do you know people like KB and Neo who go overboard with jealousy?