It was the June holidays and Jaden was not happy about the move from Pretoria to Meadowlands. He worried about the pressure of making new friends and trying to fit in. He wondered if he could adapt to the Kasi life which would be different from the suburban life he was used to. He arrived at their new home with his parents.
The house was not as beautiful as their home back in Pretoria, but they did not have much of a choice as Jaden’s father had to move to be closer to his work. He was a policeman.
Jaden eventually got out of the house after weeks of sulking indoors. He quickly made new friends. He met Ofentse, Kabelo and Kutlwano. They all went to the soccer field to pass time and that was when he saw the most beautiful girl pass by him.
“Let’s make a bet guys,” said Ofentse.
“I’m all ears,” Jaden replied.
“Let’s make a bet that I’ll get her,” Ofentse said smiling.
“I say you won’t,” Jaden dared.
“R150 says I will,”
“Cool!” Jaden took the bet.
Ofentse then ran to her as he was whistling for her to notice him.
“Sorry, baby girl…” Ofentse said but the girl cut him off.
“I’m not your baby girl. My name’s Tshego. Why are you whistling at me like I’m some dog?”
The crowd on the soccer field started laughing.
“Eish, sorry Tshego. I just wanted you to notice me. “Ofentse apologised.
“Well, you’ve got my attention now. What do you want?”
“Can I please have your number so we can talk on WhatsApp?”
“You are wasting my time,” Tshego said rolling her eyes.
She left Ofentse standing there like a lost puppy. Ashamed, he walked back to his friends.
“Geez! That was harsh. Sorry bro, hey let’s forget the bet.” Jaden tried to console hime.
They said their goodbyes and headed home. When Jaden arrived home he found his mom with Tshego. He was shy to pass by them but he greeted anyway.
“Mom, I will be in my room if…”
“No, come sit.”
He sat with them, obedient to his mother despite his heart nearly standing still at the presence of a beautiful girl. His mother introduced them and explained that he will be attending the same school as Tshego. His mother then left them to talk while she prepared something to eat. He could not believe his luck! If only he could gather his thoughts and open his mouth and speak.
“Earth to Jaden!” Tshego called from across the table.
“Huh? Oh, sorry! My mind was far off.”
“I understand,” she laughed. “So, tell me more about yourself.”
Jaden started speaking about himself, leaving no detail out. He began to feel comfortable around her and she was impressed by his bubbly personality. Tshego started speaking about herself too. Jaden felt small when he realised she was head girl and first in her grade. He thought he just was not good enough for someone like her.
After dinner, Tshego asked Jaden to walk her home and he was glad to. As they laughed and walked together, they bumped into someone they both did not want to see, Ofentse.
“Oh! I see, it’s like that now,” Ofentse said.
“What you mean?” Jaden asked.
“Ag, don’t act stupid! You with her!”
“We only just met.” Jaden explained.
“She is such a piece of trash, running after new meat.”
Ofentse started calling Tshego names and Jaden stepped in.
“Don’t speak about her like that!”
“Or what? Huh or what?”
“Jaden, stop. He’s not even worth it.” Tshego intervened.
They walked away from an angry and envious Ofente and arrived at Tshego’s house.
“Ngizokubona,” Jaden said standing by the gate.
“OK. Thanks for saving me from that boy.”
“No problem. See you tomorrow then.”
Tell us: What do you think will happen to Jaden and Ofentse’s friendship?