Wow dis is almost exactly wt is happening to m ryt now. I also Neva liked de guy,I learned to lv him bcz He has a Great heart. He was always dere fr m throu thick & thin,evn thou I was always hearing rumour abt him I Neva blvd dem bcz I knew dat dey wr Jealous of of de lv he had fr m. I dumped him after my frnd tel m abt his cheating. I den told myslf dat evn thou I gave him my heart fr 3yrs I shld let him go bcz Out dere sum1 is willing to gv m his heart..
Mel ·
8 years ago
I've never had loved a book like this cause it's one of the books you have to recognize and read because it teaches you more about things happening in this lifetime. And I want to say to the people/ person who wrote this book keep it up. What a an interesting book and I really mean it.