Things were going very well between Lucas and Leleti at first, but then there were conflicts and arguments in their relationship all the time. And Leleti would often go to Pastor Rongo for guidance.
“I’m sorry to come every now and then,” Leleti said crying as she entered Pastor Rongo’s office at his home.

No, no don’t worry my girl. I was made to counsel and guide you all the time!” the pastor said holding her hand and then kissing it.

“It’s just that Lucas doesn’t want to be with me anymore. He often comes home late and when I ask him where he is coming from, he says it’s none of my business,” Leleti complained.

Eish, I’m very sorry to hear that. My child, I have to admit, relationships are hard and they are always full of challenges. But as the bible says, challenges are meant to make us strong and not to destroy us. What I mean is, if there are no challenges in your relationship with Lucas, your relationship will be doomed. Now all you have to do is endure and persevere in your relationship and all will be fine. And remember, don’t frustrate your boyfriend. You know men don’t like being asked where they are coming from, especially in their own house.” Pastor Rongo advised.

“I hear you pastor. I’m very happy to have come to you, you are always helpful to me,” Leleti said smiling.

“I’m also happy to see you relieved. You know it brings joy in my heart to see you happy and smiling,”

“Thank you, Baba,”

“It’s my pleasure my girl. God has sent me to help people like you, who will enter and inherit heavens because they obey God’s will, that I preach,”

“Thank you Baba. Let me go before Lucas thinks I’m cheating on him,” Leleti said then got up.

“Wait I’ll drive you home. I know men don’t like their women going out at night. It’s a bad sign. It will make a man not to want to marry you. We as men always like to have our woman to our own. We want to co-own them as God is already the first owner,” Pastor Rongo said as they headed to his car.

Along the way Leleti and Pastor Rongo had a long amusing chat, up until they reached at Lucas’s place and Leleti went out of the car.

“Where have you been?” Lucas shouted as Leleti walked through the door.

“I was with Pastor Rongo,” Leleti said as she came near to him.

“What? What were you too doing at this time of night?” he shouted again.

Hawu we were just talking,” Leleti replied confused.

“What were you talking about? Are you cheating on me with him?”

“Noo, no ways! He’s my pastor and we were just talking about things!” Leleti shouted.

“What are those things, you Jezebel!”

Haa okay, okay! Since you want to know what we were talking about, then let me tell you. I was going to seek advice for our relationship, as I always do,”

“So you’ve been going out and telling people about our private stuff, heh?” Lucas shouted.

He is not people, he’s the man of God who can help our relationship!” Leleti shouted.

Ay suka who said I need help? You are the one who needs help because you are not as attractive as I thought you were. Now get out of my sight, why don’t you date that pastor of yours, you’ll make the perfect Mam’mfundisi,” Lucas shouted.

Leleti stayed alone in the house as Lucas went away after shouting at her. She knelt and prayed after a while.

“God, I don’t know where Lucas is going, but I pray that You will be with him where ever he goes. Make sure that You protect him against crime and evil deeds, as well as all kinds of spirits that are not of God along the way. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen and Amen!”

Then Leleti went to her bedroom and read the bible. She read Lamentations chapter three, verses thirty one to thirty three: For no one is abandoned by the Lord forever. Though He brings grief, he also shows compassion because of the greatness of his unfailing love. For He does not enjoy hurting people and causing them sorrow.

And then after reading, she slept.


Let’s chat: What would you do if you were Leleti?