Later that day, Leleti was serving dinner to her parents who were in the living-room. They were over joyed as the room filled with laughter as they talked.
“Ay, Sthembiso was a very good boy when he was younger, he reminds me of myself when I was young,” Mr. Majola said laughing.
“Hawu, amanga Baba, usazikhumbula usemncane? (Stop lying, you still remember yourself when you were young?” Mrs. Majola replied playfully.
“Yes they don’t call me Nqondonqondo for nothing; I’ve got a good brain,” Mr. Majola joked.
“Hehe!” laughed Mrs Majola. “Kodwa Baba ulivusaphi lelo gama? (What reminds you of that name?) Mrs. Majola asked laughing in tears.
“Uhm, can we now pray?” Leleti said holding both their hands. They closed their eyes and she began to pray. “Father we thank you for the food you have blessed us with. We receive it with honour and thanksgiving and may You bless it as we are about to eat it. Amen!”
“Amen!” Mr and Mrs. Majola chorused.
“Leleti,” Mrs. Majola called after taking her first spoon of rice, “I have thought of something that will help you find the perfect man for you,”
“Okay if you say so,” Leleti replied coldly.
“Is that all you can say when your mother has done you a favour!” Mr. Majola shouted.
“Kahle Baba, musa ukumjaga, be calm, don’t rush her,” Mrs. Majola softened her husband and then continued. “I have decided to talk to my pastor on Sunday, I know he can help you.”
“Umakuhluleke yena ke kuyobe wazala uSathane uqobo ke mawakhe! (If he fails then it will be clear that you gave birth to the devil himself), Mr.Majola shouted. But Leleti just closed her eyes, surely she was making a short silence prayer.
“After God created male and female, in His image, He blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and govern it.” That’s Genesis one, verses twenty seven to twenty eight. Now those are the first two principles God had created man and woman for; first to make children so we can multiply and secondly to govern the world by influencing good deeds in it.” The pastor shouted.
“Amen!” The congregation shouted in excitement.
“Now one thing you must know about being a governor is that, you are under control of the things possessed on earth. That certainly means nothing in this world must overcome you or get on top of your shoulders, but you must be the one who overcomes earthly possessions, and must rule upon them. Hallelujah!”
“Ameeen!” The church shouted.
“As I end today’s service I would like people to close their eyes, raise their hands and receive the blessings,” he paused, and then began praying. “Father these are Your children, they are gathered in Your house, to hear Your genuine gospel. Not only to listen but also to embed your word into their minds and hearts. And Lord, let it not only be embedded in there but let your word also be done in their lives. May You emit Your grace and blessing in them; in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!”
“Amen!” The crowd said after their pastor.
“Pastor, that was a very powerful message!” Mrs. Majola said with a smile after the service as they were walking out.
“Oh thank you very much, Ma, God’s word is powerful indeed!” Pastor Rongo replied modestly.
“Oh this is my daughter, Leleti,” she said pushing Leleti forward.
“Oh what a beautiful daughter you have, Ma,” he said while kissing Leleti’s hand. “Hm, she’s got soft hands as well,” he continued with a big smile.
“Yes but she’s alone,” Mrs. Majola replied.
“What do you mean she’s a lone?” Pastor Rongo asked confused.
“I mean she doesn’t have a lover or children,” Leleti faced down in embarrassment at her mother’s outburst.
“Hawu it can’t be! A beautiful lady like this, who wouldn’t want to marry an angel? Men would prefer divorcing their wives for this Gabriel,” the pastor exclaimed.
“But it’s true pastor,” Mrs. Majola said. The pastor faced back to Leleti and kissed her hands once again.
“Is this true my girl?” he asked and Leleti nodded her response.
“Don’t worry my girl I’ll pray for you,” the pastor promised.
Let’s chat: What do you think will happen next?