“Not so fast hlalaphansi, sit down,” Mr. Majola grabbed Leleti’s dress as she went away after handing him a bottle of beer. Then Leleti slowly sat down and gazed at her father; she was waiting to hear what her father had to say.

Lalela la weh, listen carefully, Leleti. I am getting old day by day and I have longed to be a grandfather ever since you were old enough to bear children! Your mother and I have done our job perfectly by raising you, and taking you to school. Now do us a favor and do your job; make us some grandchildren or else I’ll chase you out of my house like your Uncle did. Am I making myself clear?”

Yebo Baba, Leleti replied calmly.

“Now open this beer for me, I’m thirsty,” he shouted

Yebo Baba,” Leleti opened the beer and went away to her room.

When Mrs. Majola came back from a church’s night service, she went into Leleti’s room. She was shocked to find her crying.

Haibo my child, why are you crying! Did your father curse you again? Mrs. Majola asked concerned.

“No Mama, don’t worry, I’m just thinking about something,” Leleti replied wiping her tears.

“No, no my child. You know you can tell me anything, so what’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing Mama, it just that I’m too emotional. So how was church?” Leleti changed the topic.

“Tjo! It was fun, I wish you were there. Pastor Rongo is highly favored, you should have seen him doing miracles, changing people’s lives. Heh eh mani, Leleti you mustn’t miss the next service,” Mrs. Majola boasted.

“Ay, I guess so. I can see I have missed a lot of wonders,” Leleti gibed.

“Yes indeed. And besides, there are a lot of decent, good looking men at church,” Mrs. Majola said with great enthusiasm, but Leleti’s facial expression changed.

“I don’t know what to say,” she said.

“You don’t have to say anything, Leleti. Just believe you’ll find one for yourself. Remember, faith is the key to everything.” Mrs. Majola winked and left the room.

Leleti covered herself with a pillow and went on crying after her mother’s departure.

Leleti woke up early in the morning and cleaned the house as usual. She was un-employed. She used to work at her uncles company but when her uncle chased her out of his house, he also made sure he fires her at his company. While Leleti was mopping, her uncle walked in the house through the kitchen door without Leleti noticing him.

He touched her behind as he walked pass.

“Hey! Get away from me! Don’t touch me!” Leleti shouted.

“I’m not the one who said you must bend in the way,” he shouted back, and as Leleti turned back he continued. “It shows that you are not used to men’s hands wena stabane, you lesbian!” Leleti looked at him angrily and carried on with mopping the kitchen floor.

“Sthembiso! Oh I’m so pleased to see you! Where have you been?” Mr. Majola exclaimed as his younger brother appeared in the living room.

Ey ngikhona bafo, bengisabanjwe umsebenzi, (I’m around, I’ve just been busy with work),”

Ey kuhle lokho, that’s good. At least you’re doing something in life, unlike that thing in the kitchen,” Mr. Mojola said, pouting and shaking his head.

“Jah she’s trouble that one. Umuntu uthi uyamzama ngomsebenzi aphinde akumoshele, I did her a favor by giving her a job but she ruined it,” Sithembiso replied.

“At least you’ve helped her my brother, thina esahluleka ukumenza umunt, I have failed to make her a somebody. Umuntu akasayicabangi nokuyicabanga lento uma eseholile ngendlela ayi nonsense ngayo, (I don’t even think of her when I get paid because she’s nonsense), Mr. Majola nagged.

“Ay let’s hope she will be matured as she grows,”

Isindala lento,kuphela nje ingimoshela ukudla! (She’s already old but all she does is waist my food). She doesn’t even know how to cook, that’s why I miss visiting your house. Phela umkakho uyalishaya i bhodwe, unjani kodwa yena? (Because your wife is a good cook, how is she by the way?”

“She’s fine. She’s excited about going back to work since she’s no longer looking after the baby, because we have found a nanny!” Sthembiso said.

“Hey that little boy of yours looks exactly like you, I hope he’ll be intelligent and successful just like you as well,”

“He will be indeed, uzomfuza angamshiyi uyihlo, (he’ll be just like his father) Sthembiso bragged and the brothers laughed.


Let’s chat: What do you think of Leleti’s treatment by her family?