Anonymous – The Good Girl by Lauri Kubuitsile

Plot: How does the story start? What happens in the middle? How does it end?

It’s about this girl whose teacher wants to sleep with her, and he’ll give her money in return. But she did the right thing and said no to him and she told the head mistress about it. So then he was given a suspension.

Characters: Who is in the story? Describe what they are like (personality and appearance). Did you like them?

Kagiso – Main character

Fiona – Kagiso’s friend

Pearl – Girl at Kagiso’s school

Mr Phaladi -Teacher

Mrs Moeleele – Headmistress

Your opinion: What was your favorite part and why? Did any parts make you laugh? Why? Did the story have a moral (a message)? Would you recommend this book to anyone?

My favorite part was where she had the courage to stand up for herself without being afraid. She knew that she could beat him even though it’s his word against hers.

This book was very interesting. It’s really amazing that whenever I open some books I just dose off because it seems boring. But there are just some books that attract all my attention, and this was one of them.

The story is about this girl, Kagiso, who’s a “good girl”. The story starts off where this other girl, Pearl, approaches Kagiso, flashing off her new blackberry. But Kagiso was wondering where she got it from because Pearl’s family didn’t have that kind of money. But Kagiso’s friend, Fiona, said that she got the phone from their English teacher, Mr Phaladi. Apparently Pearl was sleeping with him and he bought her a lot of things.

Then one day in class, Mr Phaladi told Kagiso that her essay was very good and that she needs extra classes, she could come to him. She knew then what he wanted from her. Before class started she had seen Pearl and him together and Pearl was crying, which made perfect sense to Kagiso; he had ended things with her.

She thought about seeing him because she needed the money. Her friend Fiona knew what was going on because she could see it in Kagiso’s eyes. But Kagiso went to Mr Phaladi and took money from him. Fiona then told her that she shouldn’t because it’s wrong. Kagiso listened to Fiona and went to tell Mr Phaladi that she didn’t want to see him; he told her that she would regret it. The next day he failed her on a test. She told Fiona about it and Fiona said that she should go tell someone (What I forgot to mention was that they found out that Pearl was pregnant). Fiona had a plan.

She went to visit Pearl at her house and told her about the plan. Kagiso and Pearl then went to tell the head mistress Mrs Moelele about what was happening. The headmistress then gave Mr Phaladi a suspension letter. She told him that they would be doing a paternity test on Pearl’s baby when it is born. And also that when she had confirmation that it was his baby, he would be fired.

At the end of the story Fiona, Kagiso’s friend told her that she did well, she did what was right.


Rene Word – Fly hat Fly by Gcina Mhlope

Plot: How does the story start? What happens in the middle? How does it end?

A guy was locked up on Robin Island and then after his time there was released. Many years later he had a reunion with his political prison and while on his way to Robin Island his hat blew off, then he said “Fly hat fly”.

Setting: Where was the story set? What words or phrases tell you about the location?

It was set on Robin Island.

Your opinion: What was your favorite part and why? Did any parts make you laugh? Why? Did the story have a moral (a message)? Would you recommend this book to anyone?

My favorite part was when after all these years they had a reunion on Robin Island. I give it a rating of 4/5


Viwe Madukone – Stubborn Love by Tracey Farren

Plot: How does the story start? What happens in the middle? How does it end?

Mzingisi saw Anela who is a singer. Anela went to sing at the club. She ends up sleeping with the club owner and he treats her like nothing after he slept with her.

Characters: Who is in the story? Describe what they are like (personality and appearance). Did you like them?

Anela – She sings very nice and she wears sexy clothes.

Mzingisi – The guy who really loves Anela. Yes, because they make a great couple.

Setting: Where is the story set? What words or phrases tell you about the location?

This story takes place in the township, in Langa, because in the story there is a phrase about Langa station.

Your opinion: What was your favorite part and why? Did any part make you laugh? Why? Did the story have a moral (a message)? Would you recommend the book to anyone?

My favorite part is at the end of the story where Mzingisi shows how much he loves Anela. Also Anela fell in love with Mzingisi. They kiss each other. This book is very interesting and it is easy to read it. I give it a rating of 4/5
