After a while, I went back to the room and made my bed. Before I knew it, he was hugging me from behind and, after gazing into my eyes for a minute, we started kissing. He started kissing my neck, and as usual, I started moaning. Damn, that was so good. He then pushed me back on the bed, and we went down into it.

I had never felt so refreshed, calm, and relaxed in a long time. We then stopped and lay on the bed, and I looked at him and smiled.

“I can’t believe we just did that, like …” I said, but he giggled before I could finish. He then stood up and kissed me on my forehead.

Before leaving, he looked back at me. “I love you, remember that,” he said.

There was something hot about him and such actions. It was just too abnormal. Love surely does make one feel like a fool at times. That was literally the best morning for me, and I had quite the most special day of my life. He later sent people to look after me and get me whatever I wanted, and I somehow felt like a princess, but it was worth it.

After that day, Craig and I went to lunches and dinners and movie nights together. We were a completely happy couple, and that continued until he decided he wanted to relocate and start again in a place that was far away from where we lived. The thought of leaving my family behind was a bit heavy for me, but not as heavy as the secret I was carrying around.

Just as we were packing, I stopped and looked at him and immediately started crying. I didn’t know what was happening, but things were beginning to no longer make sense.

“What about the charges? Aren’t you afraid I might turn against you or something?” I asked him.

“When someone falls in love, they carry the burden of someone else’s happiness, and their joy become their number one priority,” he responded.

I was not sure if I understood what he was saying, so he pulled my hand and led me to the bed. We sat down and he looked at me for a while, then smiled before talking.

“I don’t know what you did to me,” he said, “but the love I have for you is too much, and I’m losing myself in the process of loving you.”

I wasn’t happy that he was losing himself, but because of the fact that he loved me, I was already on top of the roof. “What could be more special than this?” I rhetorically asked myself.

We finished the packing and all was well. Yea, it WAS, until a stranger knocked on my door and, after Craig took a peek through the key hole, he looked at me shocked, and I knew there and then that trouble was to follow.


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