Craig and his men kept me at the warehouse for a few days, then they left me at my house. He stayed behind when the others left, and he made me promise that I would not tell a soul about his confession. I didn’t know, though. Something just told me to stand up for my friend. I knew she deserved better, and maybe my love wasn’t enough to stand in the way of what we both had.

The following day, I went to the police station and reported the case. I had never felt that strong and confident in my life. I guess I knew what I was doing and what to expect because I was putting my life at risk, there. It didn’t take a day before he was arrested, but his damn family was so wealthy that they bailed him out before he could even spend two night there.

On the third night, I was just sitting in my room. I had changed spaces because I knew he was going to come for me after they had bailed him out, so I looked for another apartment in town. It was just 22:36, just after I had finished having my supper and gone for a quick shower, when I heard a large knock on the door. I froze in shock .

“That’s definitely him,” I thought to myself. “Ooh my God, he found me.”

I stayed quiet for a few minutes, just so it might be like there was no one at home. When I did that, the sound also decreased, so I went out of the shower and cleared my kitchen then went to bed. After a while, I heard a huge sound as if someone had fallen on my door, so I slowly went to open it and see who it was. To my shock, it was Craig. I wanted to close the door on him, but he was freezing, so I just had to bring him in.

Once we were inside, I woke him up and let him lay down on the couch. I then covered him with a fleece and went to bed. I could hardly sleep, though. All I could think about was the way my life had taken a blind turn in a second. From just being someone’s ex, someone who was just normal and boring, to being this movie actor. Yeah, a movie actor. My life was a movie at that point.

In the morning, I woke to a funny smell in my house. “Ooh damn, my house is on fire,” I thought to myself. I then quickly ran out to check my kitchen, and there he was in my pink Apron. I immediately cracked. “Ooh hell nah, this boy is so funny.”

But he was weird too. Who wears an apron on a nude body? I didn’t want to focus on that part, but we all know how the mind is, you can barely look away when you have seen it already.

“Hi, how did you sleep, and shouldn’t you have left already?” I asked.

“It’s just 6am in the morning, and you’re already on another level,” Craig responded. “Relax, baby girl, I’m still here for a few days, maybe weeks.”

“What the hell?” I responded. “In your dreams. You have to leave this place, okay? I can’t have you here, and no one can ever see you here too. I pressed charges against you, remember?”

“I know that, and you’re going to have to pay for that,” he replied.

After speaking, he smiled at me and continued cooking. “Damn, why do I always fall for this,” I thought to myself.


Tell us: What do you think our main character should do next?