I climb into the back seat of the presidential limousine, heading to the airport. I press the button to close the slide that separates the back and front of the car, and change into a pair of black jeans. I keep the top and the shoes.

I rest my head against the back of the seat and inhale deeply and very slowly. Blessing and Monica’s flirtatious conversation comes to mind, making me smile. Even though I screwed up my own life something good came out of it. It’s ironic that he gained what I lost.

Blessing now has a prestigious position, a new love, and possibly a renewed relationship with his mother. Yes, life is looking up for him, and no one deserves it more than he does.

Maybe I might look into a career in law enforcement. The investigation part of it appealed greatly to me, and catching the bad guys is a bonus, but I also love the environment.

Note to self: look into a career that combines law and the environment.

I try not to think about Mark, even though part of me knows that I will always think about him. He has been a big part of my life for the past three years. I saw him in my future. I pictured us in a small front yard, with our little girl playing happily in the warm sun, but that’s all gone now.

“We’re here ma’am,” the driver says with a worried expression on his face. He holds the door open for me as I climb out.

“Thank you,” I murmur. I frown at my unfamiliar surroundings. “Where are we?” I ask the driver.

“Private airport, ma’am. The President has his jet on standby for you.”

What? A private jet to a private island? Note to self: start another protest.

The driver takes my bags to the jet. I follow him quietly. I still can’t believe I have a plane to myself. My heart sinks at the thought. This means that I have even more time to myself to think about Mark and our failed relationship.

I wish I had apologised properly. I wish I had let him have his say back at the party, or in the car. My big mouth is always a problem. I sigh as I climb on board.

The interior of the jet smells of luxury. A huge cream leather couch, two singles and a brown coffee table marks a dining room. Beyond the couch is a lengthy table and chairs, I assume for meetings. I stand amid the doors, drinking it all in. Soft music erupts from everywhere and the lights dim, completely transforming the plane into a romantic spot.

“Wow,” I murmur to myself. It must be the pilot. It’s so sweet of him but it makes me sad. I’m alone. Tears prick my eyes. How can this be? I caress the chain around my neck for comfort.

“Switch it off,” I say, marching over to the pilot’s cabin, when suddenly a handsome man in a tuxedo with dozens of roses in his hands appears from the closed sliding doors. I register alarm on his expression as he sees my tears, but his face softens and he continues to walk towards me until he’s two feet in front of me.

“Hi,” he sings.

I sniff. “Hi yourself,” I say softly. My tears run faster than I can dry them.

“These are for you,” he says, handing me the flowers.

I inhale their scent. “They are beautiful,” I admit.

“Please take your seats, we must get going,” the pilot informs us. My expression widens and so does Mark’s as he stares at me.

“Give us a minute please,” he says to the pilot hurriedly.

“I can tell the pilot to take off, with both of us on board, if you are OK with it?” Mark says reverently. He swallows and stares at me anxiously, but I don’t understand what he’s saying. “I know I’ve been a complete jerk and I’ve been unfair to you, and I give you permission to make me pay for the rest of our lives, OK?” He speaks rapidly with his arms held out, as if I’m some cornered animal.

“As long as you take me back,” he swallows. “I realise it must have been difficult for you to deal with my fake death and I know Blessing has been there for you throughout this mess, but Alex, you are the love of MY life.” He stresses the last two words. Mark takes the flowers from me and puts them on the single couch. He takes my hands in his.

“The possibility that I could lose you shattered my world. I’m sorry for the way I handled everything. I shouldn’t have shut you out, but if there’s any chance, no matter how small, that you still love me, I will take it. I cannot imagine my life without you. In fact, I don’t want another day away from you, so please take me with you.”

I cannot describe the relief that floods through my body. My tears are demonstrative of it though. I throw my arms around Mark.

“Oh, Mark,” I murmur.

He pulls me tightly to him. “I love you so much,” he says against my neck.

I release him and smack him on the arm. His eyes widen with confusion. “What took you so long?” I tease.

His body relaxes in front of me. He laughs. “My leg. I’m limping, remember?”

I giggle. “I’m sorry too.”

He rests his forehead against mine and we grin at each other. “Hi,” he says.

“Hi,” I reply. He plants a soft kiss on my lips and stares into my eyes for a second before kissing me again, for longer this time.

The pilot clears his throat. “We really must get going now,” he says, slightly amused.

“Are you coming?” I ask Mark.

“Together forever,” he says, radiating sincerity. He tentatively strokes the necklace he bought on our anniversary

“We are ready for take-off, sir,” I tell him.

We strap ourselves in our seats as we take off.

“I love you,” I murmur candidly to Mark. I’m so grateful that he’s here with me and that he still loves me as much as I love him. It’s been a trying journey, one that we never anticipated for a minute, and one that was designed to tear us apart, literally, but it has made us stronger. We are wiser, better and definitely more in love than we were before. We came so close to losing each other and what we have on so many occasions, but now we understand the depth of our feelings toward each other.

I have gained a good friend in Blessing, I mean, in Lifa. He’s Lifa Malope now and if it’s not too much to ask, I hope that he and Mark will become friends with time. I hope he will rebuild his relationship with his mother, because he needs her as much as she needs him. I will nag him until he makes that phone call. I smile thinking about nagging him, but why break the habit of a lifetime?

My phone vibrates. It’s an SMS from Lifa:

On an even brighter note, Ruben is awake and arrested.

Say hello to Mark for me.

I’m happy for the two of you.

Enjoy your vacation.

How does he know Mark is here? I reply quickly:

How do you know Mark’s here?

Thank you, and Lifa do take Monica on a proper date, yeah? And don’t be too OLD.

Oh, and call your mother.

I press send. His response is immediate:

I’m SAI Director. I have eyes everywhere.

Taking Monica to dinner tomorrow night, not that it’s your business, and I will try to open up more, grandma.

Stop nagging. I will call MY MOTHER when I’m good and ready. You shouldn’t be texting on a plane. Leave me alone. (Winks)

It’s good to know he’s happy, or at least on his way to happiness. My grin grows bigger, and I note that we’re clear to move around on the plane. I take the opportunity, sprawl on Mark’s lap and give him the biggest, loudest kiss ever.

“Not that I’m complaining, but what was that for?” he asks.

“Can’t I kiss my boyfriend without being questioned?” He smiles.

“I’m happy because of our happy ending, that’s all,” I tell him. “We are very blessed,” I add, with a more serious tone.

“I love you,” he says.

“I love you too, Mark.”

I settle down comfortably in his lap. Everything quietens down. I close my eyes in this moment of complete serenity.


Tell us what you think: Now that they have forgiven each other, will Mark and Alex have a peaceful future?