It is Friday, the end of the month, and Dozi and Fana are going out. The boys are so focused on what they’re wearing for the night. Fana pulls out his new pair of jeans, a G-star and Guess. He holds them in front of him and faces the mirror.

“Bro, what are you doing?” Dozi asks, standing by the door. He is ready to leave for eYadini Lounge but his friend still doesn’t know what to wear.

“I’ve got plans dawg, I have to look good tonight. I might even be lucky and get laid,” says Fana, still standing in front of the mirror.

He finally decides on the Guess Jeans and a navy bomber jacket over a white T-shirt.

“Am I on point?” he asks his friend as he grabs his wallet, phone and car keys. Dozi laughs and ignores him.

They lock the door of their RDP rented house and head to Thabo’s house, their other friend. He also lives in Umlazi with his family.

“Ahoy bros!” he greets and shakes their hands at the door. “Ow kay, where to from here?” Thabo is excited about leaving his boring home and associate himself with the vibrant world.

“The usual place?” Dozi asks.

“I’m thinking Ntuzuma guys. I heard on the radio that there’s this new lounge opening and it’s gonna be epic,” says Fana.

They look at each other and say nothing, each trying to decide.

“It’s quite a distance bro, and we know nobody in Ntuzuma,” Dozi breaks the silence.

“We meet new people every day, it’s no big deal. Come on bro,” says Fana, slightly hitting his buddy on the arm.

“Look Banafaz, I have plans tonight. I have waited all my life for this, I just can’t go to Ntuzuma gents.” Dozi shrugs.

“What about you Thabo?” Fana asks.

“I dunno man. I think Dozi is right, Ntuzuma is far, let’s just hang at our usual place.” Thabo seconds Dozi.

“Uhm, okay gents. Tell you what, I’ll go there alone and you two stay here. Seems we all have plans and mine include going to Ntuzuma.”

Fana takes his friends to eYadini and then drives alone to Ntuzuma. He has plans to meet with Cindy tonight. She is from Inanda, New Town A and is also a student at MUT. Fana has a big crush on her but she friend-zoned him. Though they are now good friends, Fana hasn’t lost hope, he still believes he will win her heart someday. And tonight is just another chance to try and convince her again.

He remembers that chances are neither of his friends have enough money to enjoy the night. He comes from a rather well off family and can afford designer clothes and a lifestyle that his friends can’t. He fumbles for his phone and quickly sends an e-wallet to Dozi.

He pulls up on the side of the road just where Cindy instructed him to wait for her. For a moment he regrets coming here alone. What if Cindy brings her friends or her old-enough-to-be-her-father boyfriend?

His cell phone rings and distracts him from his thoughts.

“Thanks a lot man, my plan was doomed if it wasn’t for you,” says Dozi on the phone with excitement. “Enjoy yourself and thanks for letting me have the whole house to myself.”

After the call Fana sits in his car, still waiting for Cindy. The streets don’t really look so busy but he was told the party was going to be lit. Surely it must have started already. He decides to call Cindy and tell her he’s waiting.

Her phone rings until it goes to voicemail. He tries again, and again, but there’s no answer. Fana is thinking about leaving and joining the boys, maybe Cindy stood him up.

Just as Fana is about to leave, Cindy knocks on the window and waves. She screams as Fana gets out of the car to give her a hug. She’s with three of her friends. Fana opens the passenger door for Cindy. She plants a kiss on Fana’s cheek and hops in.


Tell us: Do you think Fana should have gone alone to meet with Cindy?