He told me that he had tried to forget about me, and yet he couldn’t. He said that he wanted me to be a part of his life because I made him want to be a better man. After a few days, he and his girlfriend broke up and since my feelings for him were growing stronger, I forgave him and we picked up where we had left off.
There were no problems between us until I found out that he and his girlfriend had fixed things and he hadn’t even told me about it. We argued and at that moment, I told myself that I had had enough of being hurt by him. I was ready to let go because he had so many girls in his life. I was so angry that I even told him that I had broken up with Kevin so that I could be with him, and when he heard that, he must have realised that I truly cared about him. That’s when he decided to dump all the other girls he was fooling around with. He didn’t break up with his girlfriend, but he told me that he was going to deal with her.
Just because he said that he was going to deal with her, didn’t mean that he was going to break up with her. No, that’s not how players play the game! By saying that he was going to deal with her, he meant that he was going to make her to break up with him. Yeah, I know. That’s what a jerk would do! A few days later, he told me that he had dealt with her. He and his girlfriend had broken up and now I was finally the only woman in his life.
Oh God! I was so in love! I loved this guy with everything that I had. His touch made me weak to my knees and his kisses… Geez! His kisses filled my stomach with butterflies. He was everything a girl could want. He was a good listener but a very bad adviser. But then again, all that mattered to me was that I had him in my life and he made me feel as if I was the only girl in the world.
We spent a lot of time together, talking, laughing and even sharing secrets. He knew my deepest secrets and I knew his. I trusted him because I felt he was trustworthy. He was there for me in my darkest days.
“Babe, if I die today, please know that I love you more than anything in this world” he would say. I was so in love: more like “I was so in stupid”. I had sold my heart and soul to the Devil by taking a sip of the love potion that this guy was cooking for me. He had a way of making me feel as if I was on top of the food chain, while he knew that my days were numbered.
It was just too good to be true. I knew that one day it was all going to come crashing down on me and when that day came, he was going to show me his true colours.
When my friend, Mike, found out that I was dating Billy, he wasn’t happy about it. He begged me to break up with the guy, but I refused. I had fallen so deep that I didn’t even know myself anymore. I was drunk in love. As a result, Mike and I stopped being friends because he was against my relationship with Billy and at that time, nothing else mattered. All that mattered was Billy and I.
The time came for me to try and concentrate on my school work because I was in matric. So I told Billy that I wanted us to take a break because I was going to be away for a long time and I knew that if I left, he was definitely going to cheat on me. He refused for us to take a break. He told me that he wasn’t going to allow me to hurt him like that. He became angry with me and all melodramatic. OMG, this guy was a good actor. He pretended that he cared for me so much that he was willing to wait for me while I was away.
When I came back, Mike and I became friends again. Since he was a true friend and we had been friends for many years, he told me that Billy had been cheating on me. I didn’t want to believe it, but then I knew that Mike would never lie to me. I asked Billy about it and he denied it! I mean, seriously? What kind of a person is this guy? He should have been honest with me instead of pretending to care about me when he knew that he had already replaced me with somebody else, like a pair of panties. I broke up with him because suddenly, sharing wasn’t fun anymore.
Tell us: Would you give up a friendship over a relationship?