True love is like a ghost. Many have heard of it, and yet very few have experienced it… Never in my life did I think that I was ever going to fall in love. Falling in love was just something I couldn’t understand. In fact, I was in an anti-love revolution until I met Billy. Just because I didn’t believe in love, didn’t mean that I didn’t have a boyfriend.

I had a man and his name was Kevin. In fact, he was my first boyfriend and he was the type of guy that any girl would do anything to have in their lives. He was kind and gentle; he was just perfect, and for the first three months of our relationship, he was good enough for me, even though he hardly gave me any attention or called me. Since I cared about him, I would call him each and every day and we would spend hours talking. Life was nice. It was just perfect until the day I met Billy, a ‘talented professional cheater’.

Suddenly, everything changed. Billy was so different from Kevin.

Billy was fun and naughty – he was what I would call a bad boy. In other words, he was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. You know how it is: bad boys are always fun while good boys are boring. He tried by all means possible to make me be with him, even though he knew that I already had a boyfriend. We were so close and there were no secrets between us, at least that’s what I thought. He told me that he had a girlfriend but that didn’t hurt my feelings because I also had a boyfriend, so he was allowed to have a girlfriend for the little game we were playing.

Yes, I was his side chick and he was my side niggah! Remember, I was only 17 and it was my first time doing something like this. It was fun to be a little wild and to sneak around with another woman’s man. You know what they say: Stolen things are the ones which we enjoy the most.

He decided to introduce me to his girlfriend and she was so nice. I didn’t befriend her because I knew that there was something happening between her man and I. Things were getting serious between us and I was so confused, because I had a boyfriend and yet I was falling for another guy. I decided to tell Kevin that I was developing feelings for another man and, to my surprise, he didn’t get angry with me. In fact, he comforted me and told me that I was going to get over Billy. But did I get over him? No, I didn’t. Instead my feelings for him grew stronger each and every day.

When Billy found out that I had told Kevin about him, he decided to tell his girlfriend that he had feelings for me and that wasn’t a good decision! His girlfriend was such a good girl and she didn’t deserve to be hurt. Since I was stuck between two men, I decided to break up with Kevin. I couldn’t continue to live a lie. He deserved to be with someone who truly loved and appreciated him.

All along, I thought that Billy’s girlfriend and I were the only women in his life, but I was wrong. I found out that he was dating two other girls and that really made me angry. Just because I was a side chick, didn’t mean that I would be happy to know that I meant nothing to him. We argued about it to a point that he blocked me from his WhatsApp.

I was hurt, but then it was for the best because his girlfriend and I were getting to know each other, so hurting her was the last thing I wanted to do. After he blocked me from WhatsApp, I changed my phone number because I didn’t want anything to do with him. A few days later it was my birthday and I was surprised to receive a message from him, wishing me well. I was shocked because I had changed my number, so the question was: How did he get my number? He explained that his girlfriend had given it to him and since he had already texted me, it was going to be rude of me to block him.


Tell us: If you are cheating with someone who is also cheating with you, shouldn’t you expect to be cheated on too?