A darkness crosses my mind when
I think of our past as South Africa
A certain discomfort
I look back and see
I read of bloodshed of
tears. A struggle inevitable
it was almost meant to be
Hush lil’ baby… don’t you cry

You’re of African descent and it is a crime
no reasons as to why
Hush lil’ baby don’t you cry
How far we have come
What have we done
The struggle continues

I look forward onwards
to greener pastures painted
in pastel colours a rainbow nation
Free of segregation
freedom to paint your own future
Colour within the lines though
or you’ll spoil the whole picture..

Better in the past the fight was real
enough to be seen we fight a battle
that lingers in between its taken
backdrop it’s in your mind

I can hear it in your ‘hi’… you
carefully colour within in the lines…
because you don’t want to spoil the picture
Viva Mandela you had set us free
I think your intention was more than money
Intellectually starved our youth continue to be
Morally? Remains to be seen

In the hustle and bustle the movement the
climb up ladders everything if nothing left to scripture
On our hands and knees colouring between the lines…
No one wants to spoil the picture
The rainbow nation South Africa
You see it in our national flag

Picture perfect all the colours representing
a unified nation a nation that came together
against odds people no longer want to mention
It’s in the past history
Each colour representing an era a race an age

A culture not crossing the line
that would spoil the picture
You’ll not know where you’re going
If you don’t where you come from
Azania the struggle continues
hush lil’ baby don’t you cry
tomorrow is yet to come
How to get the is a mystery
the clues are imprinted in your being
Not your history